Category Archives: Grow Your Life

Improve Your Life Using the Laws of the Universe (Part 2)



#GrowYourLife  #BuildYourBusiness

Life Area: Personal   |  Topic: Universal Laws


Improve Your Life Using the Laws of the Universe (Part 2)



Last post you will recall we covered the first 7 of the 12 Laws of the Universe:

  1. The Law of Divine Oneness
  2. The Law of Vibration
  3. The Law of Correspondence
  4. The Law of Attraction
  5. The Law of Inspired Action
  6. The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy
  7. The Law of Cause and Effect

Now let’s turn to the final five laws of the universe to improve your life.


How to harness the final five Laws of the Universe to improve your life.


  1. Law of Compensation

The Law of Compensation is about reaping what you sow. It instills trust in us that we will be compensated for our work as long as we’re open to receiving in all the many ways that the universe can deliver. To be clear, compensation in this sense isn’t limited to employment arrangements or financial compensation. Rather, it’s about receiving compensation for all your contributions to the world around you, including the love, joy, and kindness you spread; it is all rewarded.


  1. Law of Relativity

Nothing and no one is inherently good or bad. Everything is a spectrum of expression, and there is more than one perspective on any situation or challenge. In other words, we are the ones who assign meaning to things, so we can choose to regard things as “bad” or as happening in our favor.


Everything is forever changing and our job is to embrace the ride!


  1. Law of Polarity

Everything has a polar opposite: If there’s an up, there’s a down. If there’s light, there’s dark. One cannot exist without the other. Experiencing these polarities is part of the human experience, and they also help us learn from our mistakes and support us in identifying what we don’t want so we can get clearer on what we do want.


  1. Law of Perpetual Motion

The Law of Perpetual Motion tells us that everything is forever changing and our job is to embrace the ride. If life is tough and challenging, know that it will change. If everything is peachy, then savor the moment, but don’t try to make it last beyond the natural order of things. Each stage of life has tremendous gifts to offer.


  1. The Law of Giving and Receiving

The energies of giving and receiving operate within all of us, and in order to create flow, they need to be in balance. To work with this law is to recognize where in your life the balance between giving and receiving is off. You have to allow both sides in you to have their say and get their way. Much like the Monkey Mind, you don’t want to kill it, you simply want to acknowledge it and take what it says into consideration, because it’s just doing its job…to keep you alive!


Well, there you have it (in two parts), the 12 Universal Laws that exist to help us better our lives. Now, let’s get to work in using them!




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My mission is to inspire people and organizations to live their highest vision.

I am a Success Strategist and Master Coach. I provide transformational coaching and training for individuals and organizations to help you Grow Your Life and Build Your Business by getting clear and focused on what you want, why you want it, and how to create it. Learn more about me at

There is no better endorsement than that of a friend, so if you like what you’re reading or are using my many FREE resources, tell a friend to join the Tom Hart Success Series Community, to receive email notifications of new blog posts and Talk with Tom podcast episodes, learn of upcoming events, and other news, by visiting my website and clicking on the offer to receive my FREE monthly resource by leaving their email address OR forward this to them and have them simply click here (we respect your privacy and do not tolerate spam and will never sell, rent, lease or give away your information to any third party).

Improve Your Life Using the Laws of the Universe (Part 1)



#GrowYourLife  #BuildYourBusiness

Life Area: Personal   |  Topic: Universal Laws


Improve Your Life Using the Laws of the Universe (Part 1)



Much like the Law of Gravity, there are universal laws by which we all are influenced. Merely by our existence, we feel the effects of these laws whether we believe in them or not. The good news is that we can also tap into them to better our lives.


Understanding these laws helps us master life on all levels and gives us insights into what we can do to reach our goals. Interpreting them properly, one puzzle piece at a time, shows us how we ended up where we are from our past and trusting and using them in congruence with our values show us how to use the laws to create flow to get where we want to go in the future.


Keep reading to learn specifics about each of the 12 Laws of the Universe how they influence our lives and how to harness their power:


How to harness the first 7 Laws of the Universe to improve your life.


  1. Law of Divine Oneness

The Law of Divine Oneness is the overreaching Universal Law, in that it’s the one upon which all others build. This law states that we are all connected through creation. Every single atom inside of you is connected in some way, shape, or form to the rest of the universe you move through. This means that everything we do has a ripple effect and impacts the collective—not just ourselves. To call upon this principle for self-improvement, simply remember that your actions both matter and make a difference.


  1. Law of Vibration

Everything in the universe has a frequency and an energetic vibration. Nothing ever stands still, everything is always either being pushed away or pulled toward something. Furthermore, items of a similar vibration are attracted to each other. So, to use this law to manifest your desires, you must match your vibration with that of what you want.


  1. Law of Correspondence

The premise behind the Law of Correspondence is that our lives are created by the subconscious patterns we repeat every single day, and these patterns either serve us or hold us back. Activate this law by becoming aware of your own patterns, which are often passed down via family ties, and then consciously taking action steps to break them.


  1. Law of Attraction

By far the most well-known of the Universal Laws, this is the Law of Vibration in action. Many people get scared by the notion that bad thoughts or low vibrations can somehow destroy their life because they’re unaware. The law is not a punishment, but a very clear mirror of our self-worth and mind-set. You’re surrounded by the outcome of decisions you’ve made in the past and are fully capable of making other decisions and attracting a different set of circumstances.



Everything in the universe has a frequency and an energetic vibration. Items of a similar vibration are attracted to each other.


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Talk with Tom: Episode #100 | The 3 Most Important Questions


In this episode of Talk with Tom, we learn about the three most important questions to ask ourselves. Tom gives us an alternative technique to goal setting as advocated by founder Vishen Lakhiani and Tom guides you through the exercise right here on the podcast. This new goal setting alternative may change the way you think about goal setting. The intro to the exercise takes no more than 5 minutes, and the exercise itself takes 9 minutes. So download the FREE PDF for the exercise [here] or below or simply grab your pen and a piece of paper or your journal and be prepared for some active listening. Who knows, this 20 minutes could change your life.


Download the FREE PDF for the exercise here.

Every month Tom shares topic after topic to Grow Your Life and Build Your Business. If you’re not already a subscriber, join us. Talk with Tom is 100% free, and there are special benefits available only to our subscribers, so be sure you subscribe yourself on iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts, and we look forward to seeing you right back here on the last Wednesday of every month with Talk with Tom.

Talk with Tom: Episode #99 | Creating Successful Relationships


On today’s episode of Talk with Tom, we continue with our February theme of “Relationships” with a discussion of Part IV (Create Successful Relationships) of Jack Canfield’s best selling book The Success Principles.

You will hear best practices for team and family communications to gain better clarity, make win/win agreements and optimize your listening skills.

Every month Tom shares topic after topic to Grow Your Life and Build Your Business. If you’re not already a subscriber, join us. Talk with Tom is 100% free, and there are special benefits available only to our subscribers, so be sure you subscribe yourself on iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts, and we look forward to seeing you right back here on the last Wednesday of every month with Talk with Tom.

Ensure That Your Smoothies are Healthy



#GrowYourLife  #BuildYourBusiness

Life Area: Physical   |  Topic: Nutrition


Ensure That Your Smoothies are Healthy



Many of you are aware that I take in a smoothie or Herbalife protein shake every day. There are few foods out there with more of an enduring healthy reputation than smoothies. Experts love to recommend them for breakfasts, colorful recipes are splashed all over wellness influencers’ feeds, and smoothies are a mainstay of many wellness-minded restaurant menus.


It makes sense as to why we love them, too. They’re delicious, portable, and relatively easy to throw together in the blender. They seem to be a perfect meal or snack, depending on what you put in them.


But considering that we are unfortunately in a time of peak nutrition information overload – even second-guessing the health merits of certain vegetables, no less – it’s worth revisiting the health merits of the smoothie. Are smoothies healthy? Here’s what you should know.


Are smoothies healthy?

Unfortunately, not always. Not all smoothies are truly healthy, some can contain a lot of added sugar and sweeteners and if you’re having it pre-made somewhere, you don’t know if they’re using unsweetened milk or what type of protein powder.


Smoothies are often seen as being packed with vitamins and minerals, as well as fiber and protein (if there’s a source like nut butter, milk, or avocado inside to make it creamy). And, if you compared a smoothie to a bacon breakfast sandwich, you’re probably thinking that smoothie is the healthier option…but not always.




Smoothies can be a perfect snack or breakfast, depending on what you put in them.



Smoothies can be surprisingly high in sugar and calories, thanks in part to their high concentration of fruit. Fruit is generally a healthy choice thanks to its antioxidants, vitamins, and fiber. However, fruit also contains fructose (natural sugars and carbohydrates) which can add up when you’re including several different kinds to a single smoothie. I’ve made this mistake many times. And, try to avoid getting something with added sweeteners on top of the natural sugar.Those natural and added sugars can really add up if you’re not careful. For instance, my go to Matcha Green Tea Blast Jamba Juice is over 400 calories and includes 57 grams of sugar.


What does a healthy smoothie or shake look like?

My favorite smoothie is: a quarter cup each of my Herbalife Formula 1 Chocolate Healthy Meal shake mix and Herbalife Protein Drink Mix, 2 tablespoons of Herbalife Prolessa Duo fat-blocker, 2 tablespoons of Organic PBFit peanut butter protein powder, 1 cup of blueberries, ½ an avocado, and a shot of my Young Living Ningxia Red Essential Oil-Infused Wolfberry supplement. Blend on low with 5 ice cubes and 8-10 oz of water or unsweetened plant-based milk. This recipe will ensure that your smoothie is delicious and filling, without just being a sugar bomb that leaves you hungry an hour later.


How often should to enjoy a smoothie?

Like you heard me say earlier, every day. If you’re making a balanced smoothie that is low in sugar and providing your body with proper nutrition they can work for a meal, a snack, or a post workout recovery drink. Since I do Intermittent Fasting, I usually have my smoothie as my first meal of the day around noon (my IF window is 12-8pm). If you make a post-workout smoothie, pack it with ingredients that replenish your electrolytes, like banana. Post-workout, your body is craving energy to replenish and a smoothie can have a pretty good carb-to-protein ratio, which is great for that.


However you make them, and however often you have them, smoothies are a nutritious meal when made properly. Here’s to good eating!




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My mission is to inspire people and organizations to live their highest vision.

I am a Success Strategist and Master Coach. I provide transformational coaching and training for individuals and organizations to help you Grow Your Life and Build Your Business by getting clear and focused on what you want, why you want it, and how to create it. Learn more about me at

There is no better endorsement than that of a friend, so if you like what you’re reading or are using my many FREE resources, tell a friend to join the Tom Hart Success Series Community, to receive email notifications of new blog posts and Talk with Tom podcast episodes, learn of upcoming events, and other news, by visiting my website and clicking on the offer to receive my FREE monthly resource by leaving their email address OR forward this to them and have them simply click here (we respect your privacy and do not tolerate spam and will never sell, rent, lease or give away your information to any third party).

Talk with Tom: Episode #98 | Meditate on nurturing your creativity


meditate on your creatiivity

Tom’s coaching suggestions for the week starts with meditating on your creativity; success often starts with “what if”?

Tom also recommends journaling about the gifts your current challenges have for you…

Listen to this brief episode to gain all three practices that will support your growth and success in your life.

Every month Tom shares topic after topic to Grow Your Life and Build Your Business. If you’re not already a subscriber, join us. Talk with Tom is 100% free, and there are special benefits available only to our subscribers, so be sure you subscribe yourself on iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts, and we look forward to seeing you right back here on the last Wednesday of every month with Talk with Tom.

4 Goal Setting Tips for 2021



#GrowYourLife  #BuildYourBusiness

Life Area: Personal   |  Topic: Goal Setting


4 Goal Setting Tips for 2021



2020 was a year of unknown, extreme challenges and taking inventory of what’s most important to us. Our lives may have been put on hold in a lot of ways and we watched our goals change, but we still had your eyes on the prize. Now, another year is on the horizon. And as you start to think about your New Year’s resolutions for 2021, your goals will come back into focus. Use these goal setting tips to help you reach new heights in the coming year.

2021, your goals will come back into focus. Use these goal setting tips to help you reach new heights in the coming year.


First, Evaluate Your Progress.

Before you look forward, you need to look back and ask yourself, “’What have I accomplished this year?’ ‘What goals did I actually achieve that seemed so far out of reach just a year ago?’ ‘What were the biggest and smallest milestones that I celebrated this year?’” Every step you took brought you that much closer to your goals. Having measurable ways to track how much progress you have made allows you to see just how much every task adds up in the long run. Acknowledging your progress gives you a chance to reflect on areas where you’ve improved. This look-back boosts your confidence, offers clarity and uses positive reinforcement – which ultimately leads to productivity. In order to perform better and reach your goals you have to evaluate the ones you’ve already accomplished.


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Talk with Tom: Episode #97 | Coaching Suggestions for the Week


creative solutions

Here are three quick suggestions from Tom for accomplishing your greatest goals.

  • Meditate on creative solutions
  • Journal about finding balance
  • Take action on asking for help

These three quick suggestions, if put into practice, will lead to success. Don’t believe us? See what giving a month – each suggestion 4x – changes for you… then assess. They’re a guaranteed game-changer.

Every month Tom shares topic after topic to Grow Your Life and Build Your Business including these Coaching Suggestions. If you’re not already a subscriber, join us. Talk with Tom is 100% free, and there are special benefits available only to our subscribers, so be sure you subscribe yourself on iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts, and we look forward to seeing you right back here on the last Wednesday of every month with Talk with Tom.

New Year’s 7-Day Goal Setting Challenge


#GrowYourLife #BuildYourBusiness

Life Area: Personal

Topic: Goal Setting


It’s New Year’s Day 2021 and what better day to begin setting your 2021 goals, if you haven’t already.  Would you like to…

  • …make more money?
  • …spend more time with loved ones?
  • …travel as much as you want?
  • …live the life you dream of?

Then set your 2021 goals and make an Action Plan for their achievement NOW!

What if you could radically and positively transform your life in EVERY ONE of the 7 Life Areas?

To help give you a little nudge, Download my FREE 7-Day Goal Setting Challenge here – A Guide to Help You Set Your Goals, Create a Plan of Action and Begin Achieving Them IN ONLY A WEEK!









What if you could radically and positively transform your life in EVERY ONE of the 7 Life Areas (personal, physical, professional, financial, relational, spiritual, and philanthropical)?

That’s right, your relationships, your health, your career, your finances, your fun and leisure, and even your level of contribution to the world? My FREE 7-Day Goal Setting Challenge will help you determine where you are, where you want to be, and what you want, to create the life you want, IN ONLY A WEEK! Download it for FREE here:



Please share this blog post with your family and friends.

My mission is to inspire people and organizations to live their highest vision.

I am a Success Strategist and Master Coach. I provide transformational coaching and training for individuals and organizations to help you Grow Your Life and Build Your Business by getting clear and focused on what you want, why you want it, and how to create it. Learn more about me at

There is no better endorsement than that of a friend, so if you like what you’re reading or are using my many FREE resources, tell a friend to join the Tom Hart Success Series Community, to receive email notifications of new blog posts and Talk with Tom podcast episodes, learn of upcoming events, and other news, by visiting my website and clicking on the offer to receive my FREE monthly resource by leaving their email address OR forward this to them and have them simply click here (we respect your privacy and do not tolerate spam and will never sell, rent, lease or give away your information to any third party).

Happy New Year from Tom Hart and the Success Series Team!



#GrowYourLife  #BuildYourBusiness

Life Area: Personal   |  Topic: Holiday Greetings


Happy New Year from Tom Hart and the Success Series Team!



By being in this Success Series community we celebrate each other and our wins. Because even in the midst of all the stress, drama and turmoil that 2020 brought, it also brought us great overcomings and new opportunities.


One of the most beautiful things I witnessed with our community this year, was how you handled 2020. I saw you show up with faith in the face of doubt and light in the face of darkness. I saw that and I honor that. Thank you for being your Best Self to each other and to the world … the crazy, fearful world of 2020.


FREE Year End AssessmentAs we move forward into 2021, I want to give you even more tools and strategies to help you continue to Grow Your Life and Build Your Business. Let’s start by assessing our past year with my FREE Year End Assessment download.

B’bye 2020 and Hello 2021!!! Let’s make this our best year ever!!



Please share this post with your family and friends. 

My mission is to inspire people and organizations to live their highest vision.

I am a Success Strategist and Master Coach. I provide transformational coaching and training for individuals and organizations to help you Grow Your Life and Build Your Business by getting clear and focused on what you want, why you want it, and how to create it. Learn more about me at

There is no better endorsement than that of a friend, so if you like what you’re reading or are using my many FREE resources, tell a friend to join the Tom Hart Success Series Community, to receive email notifications of new blog posts and Talk with Tom podcast episodes, learn of upcoming events, and other news, by visiting my website and clicking on the offer to receive my FREE monthly resource by leaving their email address OR forward this to them and have them simply click here (we respect your privacy and do not tolerate spam and will never sell, rent, lease or give away your information to any third party).

Talk with Tom: Episode #95 | Coaching Suggestions for the Week


paying it forward

Here are three quick suggestions from Tom for accomplishing your greatest goals.

  • Pay it forward
  • Journal about experiencing stillness
  • Take action on living a full life

These three quick suggestions, if put into practice, will lead to success. Don’t believe us? See what giving a month – each suggestion 4x – changes for you… then assess. They’re a guaranteed game-changer.

Every month Tom shares topic after topic to Grow Your Life and Build Your Business including these Coaching Suggestions. If you’re not already a subscriber, join us. Talk with Tom is 100% free, and there are special benefits available only to our subscribers, so be sure you subscribe yourself on iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts, and we look forward to seeing you right back here on the last Wednesday of every month with Talk with Tom.

FREE Resource – Year End Assessment Tool


year end assessment

#GrowYourLife #BuildYourBusiness

Life Area: Personal

FREE Resource – Year End Assessment Tool


I just wanted to send you a quick boost of encouragement and motivation as we head into 2021. You and I both know that these last few weeks of the year present a major opportunity. There’s no better time than now to take a look at your life and work and assess some areas that are ripe for improvement. Invest your time away from the office in personal growth.

I suggest taking a hard look at the last year and asking yourself a few very important questions:

  • What is a goal you set this year that you haven’t yet achieved?
  • What did you make more important than achieving that goal?
  • Who helped you the most, and how can you be a greater resource to them?
  • What’s still important to achieve?

Take time for yourself to do YOUR Annual Review. Download my FREE Year End Assessment Tool to help you through those and other questions which will springboard you into 2021.

tom hart success series year end assessment Download my FREE Year-End Assessment Tool [here]. As you look to the new year, it’s important to step back and take a look at the year just finished – to take inventory, add it all up and see how you did. What were your successes, and where did you come up short? What worked? What didn’t? Download my FREE Year-End Assessment Tool [here] to help you do just that. My FREE Year-End Assessment Tool is a guide to help you assess the progress you made toward achieving your goals this past year and set you up for success in 2021. Download this valuable FREE resource [here] and get started today!

Please share this FREE Resource with your family and friends.

My mission is to inspire people and organizations to live their highest vision.

I am a Success Strategist and Master Coach. I provide transformational coaching and training for individuals and organizations to help you Grow Your Life and Build Your Business by getting clear and focused on what you want, why you want it, and how to create it. Learn more about me at

There is no better endorsement than that of a friend, so if you like what you’re reading or are using my many FREE resources, tell a friend to join the Tom Hart Success Series Community, to receive email notifications of new blog posts and Talk with Tom podcast episodes, learn of upcoming events, and other news, by visiting my website and clicking on the offer to receive my FREE monthly resource by leaving their email address OR forward this to them and have them simply click here (we respect your privacy and do not tolerate spam and will never sell, rent, lease or give away your information to any third party).

Talk with Tom: Episode #94 | TwT Motivational Minute: Keep Moving Forward Through Challenges


Clues to remain motivated and keep moving forward through challenges.

How does one stay motivated when everything seems like a grind or life has ground to a halt? Or worse, how does one keep putting any effort into goals when any effort towards a positive life goal seems hopeless?

In this episode, Tom gives us solid practices for progress when life is challenging any positive mind-set, goals, and actions one is pursuing.

By the way, Tom might be the right coach to help you during such challenging times. You can contact Tom for a Right Fit call today to determine if Tom is the right  coach to support you through your personal challenges.

Every month Tom shares topic after topic to Grow Your Life and Build Your Business including these Talk with Tom Motivational Minutes. If you’re not already a subscriber, join us. Talk with Tom is 100% free, and there are special benefits available only to our subscribers, so be sure you subscribe yourself on iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts, and we look forward to seeing you right back here on the last Wednesday of every month with Talk with Tom.

6 Year End Tax Moves to Set You Up for Success in the New Year



#GrowYourLife  #BuildYourBusiness

Life Area: Financial   |  Topic: Tax Planning


6 Year End Tax Moves to Set You Up for Success in the New Year



It’s hard to believe that we’re in the last quarter of the year! With the year coming to an end, now is a great time to make some easy and smart tax moves to help lower your income tax bill when you file. These six quick and easy tax tips will help you get your finances organized and save money at tax-time before the year ends!


1. Defer compensation

If you can delay any compensation until the beginning of next year, do it, you won’t have to pay taxes on it when filing your 2020 taxes.


2. Accelerate deductions

There are a handful of tax deductions that are recognized the year in which you pay them. For example, if you own a home, get a mortgage interest deduction, and if you make an extra mortgage payment on Dec. 31, you may be able to claim the additional interest paid as a tax deduction in the tax year paid.


3. Donate to charity

This is a win-win. With the holiday season coming, it is a great time to clean out your closet and household goods a donate to those in need. You can help someone in need and reap the benefits of a tax deduction for non-cash and monetary donations given to a qualified charitable organization if you can itemize your tax deductions.


Typically if you make a charitable donation to a qualified charity, you can deduct the contribution if you itemize your deductions. However, under the CARES Act, there is the addition of a new charitable deduction up to $300 on your 2020 taxes for your cash donations made to a 501(c)(3) organization even if you don’t itemize and claim the standard deduction. This will be something to keep in mind since close to 90% of taxpayers now claim the standard deduction instead of itemizing and are no longer able to deduct charitable contributions under tax reform.

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Talk with Tom: Episode #93 | Coaching Suggestions for the Week


Here are three quick suggestions from Tom for accomplishing your greatest goals.

  • Meditate on giving your all
  • Journal about increasing your tolerance for risk
  • Take passionate action for your work

These three quick suggestions, if put into practice, will lead to success. Don’t believe us? See what giving a month – each suggestion 4x – changes for you… then assess. They’re a guaranteed game-changer.

Every month Tom shares topic after topic to Grow Your Life and Build Your Business including these Coaching Suggestions. If you’re not already a subscriber, join us. Talk with Tom is 100% free, and there are special benefits available only to our subscribers, so be sure you subscribe yourself on iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts, and we look forward to seeing you right back here on the last Wednesday of every month with Talk with Tom.

Creating The Perfect Home Workspace



#GrowYourLife  #BuildYourBusiness

Life Area: Professional   |  Topic: Environment


Creating The Perfect Home Workspace



Mark Twain had a shed on his farm in New York. and J.K. Rowling had a room at The Balmoral, a five-star hotel in Scotland. But you can make the perfect workspace in your man-cave or she-shed or maybe it’s an unoccupied nook or a room in your house currently sitting full of junk. Here are some guidelines for creating the perfect home workspace:


  • DESIGNATE YOUR CHOSEN SPACE. Make sure it’s a place where you won’t be interrupted.
  • EMPTY THE SPACE ENTIRELY AND CLEAN IT. Maybe even give the walls a fresh coat of paint.
  • FILL YOUR NEWLY EMPTY SPACE with only objects conducive to your creative process.
  • CONSIDER ACQUIRING NEW FURNITURE. Possibly a desk, a comfortably chair, a bookcase you can fill with inspiration.
  • DON’T BE AFRAID TO INVEST in professional help to clean, paint, or assemble furniture. Maybe put a posting on TaskRabbit to get yourself an estimate of costs.

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Talk with Tom: Episode #92 | The Success Principles Basics


In this episode of the Talk with Tom podcast, Tom walks us through some of the basic principles of success that you will find throughout Jack Canfield’s NY Times bestseller The Success Principles – Getting From Where You Are to Where You Want To Be, with the objective to learn how to identify and overcome roadblocks, build momentum and achieve your goals.

Every month Tom shares topic after topic to Grow Your Life and Build Your Business. If you’re not already a subscriber, join us. Talk with Tom is 100% free, and there are special benefits available only to our subscribers, so be sure you subscribe yourself on iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts, and we look forward to seeing you right back here on the last Wednesday of every month with Talk with Tom.

Happy Thanksgiving from Tom Hart and the Success Series Team


Happy Thanksgiving From Success Series


Happy Thanksgiving!

This coming Thursday those of us who reside in the United States will be celebrating Thanksgiving Day, a national holiday primarily celebrated with family and friends in an expression of shared gratitude for our many blessings. Things this year will be much different due to the existing Covid-19 pandemic and resulting local mandates.

No matter how you choose to celebrate this year, please remember that we at Success Series are truly grateful for the wonderful support that we receive from all of you. Continue reading

Talk with Tom: Episode #91 | Coaching Suggestions for the Week


Today Tom gives us a few of his coaching tips that have served him and others towards their personal success goals.

These are topics he dives into with clients; here we get a bird’s eye view, with some actions that can be taken with each one.

Every month Tom shares topic after topic to Grow Your Life and Build Your Business. If you’re not already a subscriber, join us. Talk with Tom is 100% free, and there are special benefits available only to our subscribers, so be sure you subscribe yourself on iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts, and we look forward to seeing you right back here on the last Wednesday of every month with Talk with Tom.

How Your Shower Can Boost Your Immune System



#GrowYourLife  #BuildYourBusiness

Life Area: Physical   |  Topic: Health


How Your Shower Can Boost Your Immune System



I look forward to the day when I can install a cold-plunge in my backyard or patio to reap the benefits espoused by Wim Hof.


Perhaps you’ve heard or seen Wim circulating the podcast and YouTube world. Wim, known as the Ice Man, has done extensive training that enables him to control his breathing, heart rate, and blood circulation and to withstand extreme temperatures.


His Wim Hof Method is built on three pillars, which are breathing, cold therapy and commitment. Combined, these three pillars form a powerful method that is capable of changing your life. The Wim Hof Method is even know to relieve symptoms of several diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, asthma, sarcoidosis, vasculitis, and several autoimmune diseases.


Researchers believe that this process is related to an increased metabolic rate which stimulates the immune response. 


So, until I can install that plunge, or get into a regular routine of cryotherapy, I end my showers with a 30-second blast of cold water. Medical experts believe that ending your shower with a 30-second blast of cold water can reduce inflamed skin and leave your hair glossy and smooth. And, I am unsure where I picked it up but somewhere I was told that having the cold water strike the base of your neck between your shoulders has an added benefit.

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Talk with Tom: Episode #90 | TwT Motivational Minute: Perseverance and Dedication


Today Tom informs us about the importance of our willingness to do the work to achieve our dreams.

Every month Tom shares topic after topic to Grow Your Life and Build Your Business. If you’re not already a subscriber, join us. Talk with Tom is 100% free, and there are special benefits available only to our subscribers, so be sure you subscribe yourself on iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts, and we look forward to seeing you right back here on the last Wednesday of every month with Talk with Tom.

Use the 10-20-30 Rule When Presenting to Investors on Zoom



#GrowYourLife  #BuildYourBusiness

Life Area: Professional   |  Topic: Presenting


Use the 10-20-30 Rule When Presenting to Investors on Zoom



You’ve probably endured plenty of terrible presentations in your time, but maybe you think that up in the higher echelons of Silicon Valley, entrepreneurs have really nailed the art of the pitch.


Nope. As early Apple employee-turned-investor Guy Kawasaki bluntly puts it, “Most of these pitches are crap.” Even top-tier entrepreneurs pitching elite VCs can’t seem to make an engaging set of slides.


You might conclude from this fact that crafting a compelling presentation is incredibly hard, requiring subtle artistry and exceptional skill. Once again, nope. Kawasaki insists that all you have to do to not torture your audience with any persuasive presentation is follow his classic 10-20-30 rule.


Even top-tier entrepreneurs pitching elite VCs can’t seem to make an engaging set of slides.


10 slides

“Ten is the optimal number of slides in a PowerPoint presentation, because a normal human being cannot comprehend more than 10 concepts in a meeting,” Kawasaki insists. “If you must use more than 10 slides to explain your business, you probably don’t have a business.”


What should those 10 slides contain if your presentation is an investment pitch? Kawasaki helpfully offers a list of the 10 points that venture capitalists actually want you to cover.


20 minutes

TED Talks are 20 minutes for a reason — that’s how long you can reasonably expect an audience to pay attention. Exceed this hard limit at your peril. Even if you have an hour to present, actually click through slides for 20 minutes, Kawasaki insists. Use the rest of the time for setting up your tech before and taking questions after.


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Talk with Tom: Episode #89 | Overcoming Our Fears


Since Halloween is approaching, we’re going to be talking about overcoming our fears. Tom covers the origin of fear, guides you through a simple exercise to help you gain more control over your fears – and just how unfounded they typically are – and gives you seven strategies for moving past your fears.

Every month Tom shares topic after topic to Grow Your Life and Build Your Business. If you’re not already a subscriber, join us. Talk with Tom is 100% free, and there are special benefits available only to our subscribers, so be sure you subscribe yourself on iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts, and we look forward to seeing you right back here on the last Wednesday of every month with Talk with Tom.

Never Mind Aging: Four Ways to Stay Young at Heart



#GrowYourLife  #BuildYourBusiness

Life Area: Personal   |  Topic: Aging

Never mind Aging: Four Ways to Stay Young at Heart



My birthday was yesterday. I always use the day to contemplate my life, assess my year just past, and set goals for my year ahead.


I always marvel at how hung up on age so many of us are—even when we’re still relatively young! I often get questions from clients such as: “I’m 38 years old and just got out of nursing school. Will anyone hire me at this age?” or “I’m 55. Is it too late for me to start a business?” Of course you probably are way ahead of me on what my answer has always been to these and other similar questions…”You’re never to old to start anything.”


Take a moment and imagine yourself in old age. What do you see?


Take a moment and imagine yourself in old age. What do you see? When I do this exercise with my seminar participants what immediately comes to mind for them is a version of themselves where they’re slower, grayer and weaker – a shadow of their former self. At worst, they are so frail that everyday activities become difficult.


Now, repeat the exercise, except this time I’d like you to imagine yourself to be fitter, sharper, and more energetic. There are no wheelchairs, canes, or nursing homes in this future. If you’re a tennis player, you’re still storming the net. If you’re a hiker, you’re still hitting the trails. If you’re a nutty cyclist like me, you’re still on the road. This version of you can become a reality.

How can you stay young at heart, mind, and spirit and get the most out of life and your career? Here are four ways:


Never stop learning. The day you stop learning you become old—at any age. Just as weight lifting is to your muscles, learning is to your brain. To keep it sharp, strong, and high functioning, take a class, engage in self-study, do more challenging reading, take music lessons, learn a new language, talk to people who do something different from you. Learning keeps you young and makes you feel alive and engaged in life.

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3 Things You Need to Know Before Going Freelance



#GrowYourLife  #BuildYourBusiness

Life Area: Professional   |  Topic: Freelancing

3 Things You Need to Know Before Going Freelance



Being a salaried employee means having the stability of a steady paycheck. It also means having to answer to a boss, and, in many cases, adhere to what could be a pretty rigid work schedule. It’s no wonder, then, that a large number of workers contemplate going freelance each year.

Now there are plenty of good reasons to become self-employed. You get to be your own boss, set your own schedule, and take on projects that are interesting or meaningful to you. That said, there are certain financial implications of going freelance you’ll need to account for when making the leap. Here are three in particular to know:


Going freelance could end up being the most rewarding career decision you’ll make in your life.


1. You’ll be liable for self-employment taxes

When you’re a salaried employee, taxes are taken out of your paychecks so that you don’t have to worry about paying the IRS its share of your earnings. Not so when you’re freelance. Independent contractors are liable for self-employment taxes, and those taxes are due to the IRS on a quarterly basis throughout the year. Not only must you pay those taxes on time as a freelancer, but it’s on you to calculate how much you owe (or get an accountant to do it for you).


Of course, Social Security is only part of the self-employment tax picture. There are Medicare taxes you’ll also be responsible for, and unlike Social Security, there’s no income cap. This means that as a freelancer, you’ll pay a 2.9% Medicare tax on all of your earnings.


The good news in all of this is that you can deduct half of your self-employment taxes when you file your tax return. The bad news is that you’ll need to come up with that money up front, so prepare for that major expense.


2. You can still save for retirement in a tax-advantaged plan

Many freelancers are quick to assume that they can’t save for retirement in a tax-advantaged manner, but actually, there are several options available to self-employed workers that salaried employees don’t get access to. If you’re a freelancer without employees, one option you might consider is the SEP IRA. Short for simplified employee pension, a SEP IRA lets you contribute up to 25% of your net business earnings (your earnings minus your business expenses, SEP contribution, and half of your self-employment taxes. If you employ other people, saving in a SEP can get expensive because you must contribute the same amount to your workers’ accounts, percentage-wise, that you put into your own plan. But if you don’t have employees, this isn’t an issue.

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Talk with Tom: Episode #88 | TwT Motivational Minute: Accepting and Using All Feedback For Success


Make a commitment today to listen, and ask for, all types of feedback – both negative and positive. Accepting all feedback in your life will support you reaching your goals and your overall success in your life.

Every month Tom shares topic after topic to Grow Your Life and Build Your Business. If you’re not already a subscriber, join us. Talk with Tom is 100% free, and there are special benefits available only to our subscribers, so be sure you subscribe yourself on iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts, and we look forward to seeing you right back here on the last Wednesday of every month with Talk with Tom.

The Importance of Drinking Water



#GrowYourLife  #BuildYourBusiness

Life Area: Physical   |  Topic: Drinking water

The Importance of Drinking Water



There are a number of benefits to drinking plenty of water. Among them includes reducing caloric intake due to keeping you feeling full, but drinking plenty of water also supports normal muscle and organ function, aids skin health and appearance, and enhances energy. Drinking lots of water may very well be the simplest thing you can do to improve your health, and the best part is that it requires minimal effort.


Drinking lots of water may very well be the simplest thing you can do to improve your health


I don’t believe you necessarily need to drink a set amount of water every day, although more is certainly better. Experts say a good rule of thumb is to drink half your body weight in ounces each day. I am not a nutritionist, but what I have found works for me is to drink 32 ounces first thing in the morning when I wake and keeping a quart bottle full of purified ionized water to sip throughout the day, thereby drinking over a gallon little by little. Now, I weigh 194 pounds so I should be drinking over a gallon and a half. I’m sure I get there somehow, someway, with the other beverages that I may drink, including my morning green drink and daily meal-replacement protein shakes. In any case, the primary goal is to eliminate unhealthy beverages, including soda, juices, and high-calorie coffee drinks.


There are many apps out there that can assist you in tracking your water intake. One such app I wrote about in my blog post as part of my January Goals Setting Series entitled 14 Apps To Help You Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions, which you can find [here]. The app was Waterlogged, and includes a digital log (clever), here’s the link to the App Store for your convenience:



We all know we are to drink half our body weight in ounces everyday. With easy to use Waterlogged, you can keep track of your progress morning, noon and night.


If you do nothing else tomorrow as you embark on your journey to live a stronger, healthier life, you can certainly do this.




A healthy diet rich in tomatoes, olive oil, nut, green-leafy vegetables, yams, fatty fish, and fruits – along with proper hydration, a strength-driven exercise routine, and quality sleep – can help keep sickness at bay. Use these science-driven methods to help reduce your risk of illness even more.

  • Wash your hands. Use soap and water and scrub for at least 20 to 30 seconds.
  • Filter the air. High-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters can remove nearly 98 percent of virus particles. Pointing the fan out the window can also help.
  • Train your mind. People over the age of 50 who underwent mindfulness training, such as meditation, in a University of Wisconsin study nearly halved the occurrence and severity of acute respiratory infections.



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My mission is to inspire people and organizations to live their highest vision.

I am a Success Strategist and Master Coach. I provide transformational coaching and training for individuals and organizations to help you Grow Your Life and Build Your Business by getting clear and focused on what you want, why you want it, and how to create it. Learn more about me at

There is no better endorsement than that of a friend, so if you like what you’re reading or are using my many FREE resources, tell a friend to join the Tom Hart Success Series Community, to receive email notifications of new blog posts and Talk with Tom podcast episodes, learn of upcoming events, and other news, by visiting my website and clicking on the offer to receive my FREE monthly resource by leaving their email address OR forward this to them and have them simply click here (we respect your privacy and do not tolerate spam and will never sell, rent, lease or give away your information to any third party).

Talk with Tom: Episode #86 | TwT Motivational Minute: Prepare For Tomorrow the Night Before


prepare for tomorrow

Why prepare for the next day the night before?

One of the big advantages is your dream state, your subconscious mind, will be working on the next day’s goals while you sleep.

Tom shares other benefits to preparing the night before, and some of the key actions one may take to prepare for a better tomorrow.

Every month Tom shares topic after topic to Grow Your Life and Build Your Business. If you’re not already a subscriber, join us. Talk with Tom is 100% free, and there are special benefits available only to our subscribers, so be sure you subscribe yourself on iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts, and we look forward to seeing you right back here on the last Wednesday of every month with Talk with Tom.

Talk with Tom: Episode #85 | TwT Motivational Minute: Leave Your Excuses Behind


100% Responsibility

Tom gives us the cornerstone to build one’s success on: no excuses.

Tom also gives us the “real power question” to ask for success in your future.

Every month Tom shares topic after topic to Grow Your Life and Build Your Business. If you’re not already a subscriber, join us. Talk with Tom is 100% free, and there are special benefits available only to our subscribers, so be sure you subscribe yourself on iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts, and we look forward to seeing you right back here on the last Wednesday of every month with Talk with Tom.

Getting Unstuck From a Past Trauma



#GrowYourLife  #BuildYourBusiness

Life Area: Personal   |  Topic: Emotional Freedom

Getting Unstuck From a Past Trauma



Came across this article on self-actualization that I found so profound that I wanted to pass it on to you. It’s about a five-minute read, so give yourself enough time to take it in. You can find the original at


In Greek mythology, Medusa was a monster, often described as a winged human female with living venomous snakes in place of hair.


Those who gazed upon Medusa’s face would turn to stone.


In a similar way, people who go through hard experiences can turn to stone, emotionally.


As trauma expert Dr. Peter Levine has said, “It is how we respond to a traumatic event that determines whether trauma will be a cruel and punishing Medusa turning us into stone, or whether it will be a spiritual teacher taking us along vast and uncharted pathways.”


We’ve all experienced “trauma,” whether we think we have or not. According to Dr. Lisa Firestone:


“A trauma can be defined as any significant negative event or incident that shaped us. It can emerge from any impactful instance that made us feel bad, scared, hurt or ashamed. By this definition, we have all experienced some degree of trauma in the process of growing up.”


Having “suppressed emotions” is another way of saying we have unresolved trauma in our lives.


But what does this actually mean?


How people become emotionally stuck


If you’ve had a hard experience in your past where something negative happened, or where you failed miserably, you might never step far outside your comfort zone again.


In that case, you’ve become incredibly limited because of your past.


Your emotions own you, rather than you owning your emotions.


When this happens, your personality stops developing, and you become incredibly predictable as a person.


Your life becomes quite repetitive.

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Talk with Tom: Episode #84 | The Ultimate 7 Habits Guide


ultimate 7 habits

On today’s episode of Talk with Tom, Tom will be giving us the ultimate 7 habits guide including:

  • 7 great habits of the most successful people;
  • 7 simple habits to keep you consistently happy every day;
  • 7 money habits of the wealthy we can all adopt;
  • 7 habits of people who build extraordinary relationships;
  • And more!

Every month Tom shares topic after topic to Grow Your Life and Build Your Business. If you’re not already a subscriber, join us. Talk with Tom is 100% free, and there are special benefits available only to our subscribers, so be sure you subscribe yourself on iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts, and we look forward to seeing you right back here on the last Wednesday of every month with Talk with Tom.

Talk with Tom: Episode #83 | TwT Motivational Minute: A Healthy Remote Office Environment


remote office

Tom gives practiced strategies to create a healthy work environment in this age of employees working remotely.

You can create a healthy, happy team environment. Learn how the important aspects of building a team in the office are just as important while everyone is working in a remote office.

Every month Tom shares topic after topic to Grow Your Life and Build Your Business. If you’re not already a subscriber, join us. Talk with Tom is 100% free, and there are special benefits available only to our subscribers, so be sure you subscribe yourself on iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts, and we look forward to seeing you right back here on the last Wednesday of every month with Talk with Tom.

Talk with Tom: Episode #81 | TwT Motivational Minute: Courage in Asking


asking is a key to success

Asking is one of the most powerful success principles of all; yet it is rarely practiced. Today, Tom encourages us to ask for what we want—and some tips and skills in asking. Asking in all of our seven life categories will be a powerful action in our total success.

Every month Tom shares topic after topic to Grow Your Life and Build Your Business. If you’re not already a subscriber, join us. Talk with Tom is 100% free, and there are special benefits available only to our subscribers, so be sure you subscribe yourself on iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts, and we look forward to seeing you right back here on the last Wednesday of every month with Talk with Tom.

5 Habits of Successful People


#GrowYourLife  #BuildYourBusiness

Life Area: Personal   |  Topic: Success Habits

5 Habits of Successful People


The most successful people in the world did not arrive there by accident. Truly successful people, whether they are millionaires or have just found their true life purpose and get to enjoy living it every day, are in that position for a specific reason: their habits.


You can work, and work, and work at becoming successful until you are completely burned out. But if you don’t develop the specific daily habits of successful people, it’s unlikely you’ll ever get there.


I’m going to share five of these successful habits Jack Canfield suggests, and I hope you’ll consider integrating them into your life.


1) Successful People Believe in Themselves

If you’re going to be successful to create the life you want, you have to believe that you are capable of making it happen. Believing in yourself is a choice.


Of the hundreds of super successful people Jack has interviewed throughout his career, almost every one of them told him, “I was not the most gifted or talented person in my field, but I chose to believe anything was possible. I studied, practiced, and worked harder than the others, and that’s how I got to where I am.”


Successful people assume in favor of themselves and act as if achieving their goals is completely possible.


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Talk with Tom: Episode #80 | TwT Motivational Minute: Perseverance and Dedication


Today Tom informs us about the importance of our willingness to do the work to achieve our dreams.

Every month Tom shares topic after topic to Grow Your Life and Build Your Business. If you’re not already a subscriber, join us. Talk with Tom is 100% free, and there are special benefits available only to our subscribers, so be sure you subscribe yourself on iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts, and we look forward to seeing you right back here on the last Wednesday of every month with Talk with Tom.

Millennial “Coach Dad” Helps You With Your Taxes


#GrowYourLife  #BuildYourBusiness

Life Area: Financial   |  Topic: Taxes

Millennial “Coach Dad” Helps You With Your Taxes


With the July 15th COVID-extended tax deadline fast approaching, I wanted to put on my “Coach Dad” hat and give my Millennial/small business clients out there some peace of mind…


While filing your taxes may not be as simple as a line my daughter always quotes…


“I don’t know what the big deal is about filing taxes…
you just gather all your stuff and hand it to your Dad!”


…I do recognize that each tax situation is personal and subject to individual circumstances, but it can be even more overwhelming if you are a small business owner or self-employed.


Now, before I jump in, let me state that I am not a CPA or other tax professional and that what I write here is for informational and educational purposes only and comes to you from my years of personal experience. I recommend that you seek professional tax advice before filing your return.


First off, let me acknowledge that filing taxes is unsurprisingly one of the main sources of stress we all experience. In fact, a recent survey identified getting stuck in line at the DMV, being trapped in the middle seat of a plane, and undergoing major dental work as LESS stressful than doing taxes! I used to feel the same way.


When it comes to small business owners, freelancers, and self-employed, the IRS itself acknowledges that those taxpayers “face a particularly bewildering array of laws” regarding compliance, so many entrepreneurs put off taxes until the last minute, and then do it only as a necessary evil. But it doesn’t have to be that way:


Let me recommend you shift your mindset about taxes.


Do so by knowing two things: ❶ if you keep records as you go, you can save yourself a lot of grief, and ❷ you don’t need to know it all.


❶ By keeping accurate records as you go, you will have the best chance of maximizing your deductions and minimizing your taxable income. You can also more accurately project at any time of the year what your likely year-end revenue and expenses will be and therefore more accurately calculate your quarterly estimated payments (1040ES). Maintaining your own records helps keep you in control. Plus, it’s easy to do. You can create a simple spreadsheet or use affordable, cloud-based accounting software designed for self-employed professionals. My team and I use Quicken.


Time and money are the most common expenses for most freelancers. Effectively tracking your time usually produces more billable hours, which enables you to earn what you’re really worth. Here, too, you can use a basic spreadsheet or find cloud-based solutions. Many options for the latter also can generate invoices to keep you and your clients accountable. My daughter loves to use FreshBooks for her marketing agency,


Tracking your time and expenses has other benefits as well. You’ll be able to see how productive you are by project or client. Come filing time, you more easily can spot patterns and categorize expenses that appropriately reduce your taxable income. This includes the money you’re spending on advertising, business supplies, business insurance, gas, conferences, professional services, and travel. In short, you’ll have all the information you need to protect yourself from overpaying.


❷ And for the “you don’t need to know it all” part: there are many software alternatives out there, like TurboTax, that will walk you through the mechanics of your return in an interview kind of way. And, if you’re beyond that, just choose the “Forms” format and select what you need to file your return. This is especially helpful after you have a few years of filing under your belt and not much has changed with business operations in the meantime. Just merge in your last year’s return and take it from there.


Most self-employed professionals do not need an accountant or bookkeeper to manage their year-round finances. Those internal finance roles are more appropriate for small businesses with complex sales-tax issues, payroll, or other advanced reporting requirements. However, partnering with a professional at tax time is a smart move. If you’ve done the work to keep track of your income, taxes paid and business expenses, a tax expert can make the actual filing virtually painless. He or she can also identify potential deductions to track in the future, reducing your taxable income for years to come.


Taking control of your taxes removes one of the biggest barriers to sustained and successful financial independence. It also opens the door to start thinking about other ways to maximize your success — such as examining whether an LLC or S-Corp structure makes the most sense and how you can incorporate retirement planning into each model. Peruse this website to find my many FREE resources to help you Grow Your Life and Build Your Business.



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My mission is to inspire people and organizations to live their highest vision.

I am a Success Strategist and Master Coach. I provide transformational coaching and training for individuals and organizations to help you Grow Your Life and Build Your Business by getting clear and focused on what you want, why you want it, and how to create it. Learn more about me at

There is no better endorsement than that of a friend, so if you like what you’re reading or are using my many FREE resources, tell a friend to join the Tom Hart Success Series Community, to receive email notifications of new blog posts and Talk with Tom podcast episodes, learn of upcoming events, and other news, by visiting my website and clicking on the offer to receive my FREE monthly resource by leaving their email address OR forward this to them and have them simply click here (we respect your privacy and do not tolerate spam and will never sell, rent, lease or give away your information to any third party).

Too Little Sleep Can Lead to Dehydration…Whaaatt???



#GrowYourLife  #BuildYourBusiness

Life Area: Personal
Topic: Sleep


Too Little Sleep Can Lead to Dehydration…Whaaatt???


“Are you getting at least eight hours of sleep?”


We hear this question all the time—from our doctors, our parents, and our partners—and yet, most of us aren’t getting enough sleep. Despite the fact that we know there are negative consequences of skimping on sleep, it can still be so difficult to prioritize it over all our other activities and responsibilities.


As you know, my first lesson for higher productivity is “energy control.” And, the three ingredients to increased energy are: exercise, nutrition and sleep. Learn 8 Ways to Gain Energy Naturally in my blog post [here]. But increased energy is not the only key reason for getting plenty of sleep, here’s another one…avoiding dehydration!


I get it! Sometimes we need a little extra motivation to hit the sack at a reasonable hour, which is why a new study showing that sleep deprivation can make you dehydrated is something we should turn our attention to. The study, published in the journal Sleep analyzed data from over 25,000 adults from China and the United States, and the results showed that compared to those getting the magic eight or more hours of sleep, people who slept only six hours a night had more concentrated urine and a 15-60% higher chance of being dehydrated.


Experts think it has everything to do with a hormone called vasopressin, which is released in the body during the night, later on in the sleep cycle.




So what’s the reason for this? Experts think it has everything to do with a hormone called vasopressin, which is released in the body during the night, later on in the sleep cycle. Vasopressin helps manage the body’s fluid levels. In fact, it can actually pull water back into the body from our urine to prevent us from losing too much water while we’re sleeping. The theory is that when we’re not getting enough sleep, vasopressin can’t do its job as well, and our hydration levels suffer.

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Talk with Tom: Episode #78 | TwT Motivational Minute: Fear Not


Freeing yourself from your limiting beliefs can be difficult. The good news; as creator of the limiting belief, you can also change this belief. We all live life with worries and fears that are imaginary. The solution is to train our internal eyes to recognize our limiting thoughts. Tom gives four very effective approaches to overcoming limiting beliefs.

Every month Tom shares topic after topic to Grow Your Life and Build Your Business. If you’re not already a subscriber, join us. Talk with Tom is 100% free, and there are special benefits available only to our subscribers, so be sure you subscribe yourself on iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts, and we look forward to seeing you right back here on the last Wednesday of every month with Talk with Tom.

Another View of PPP



#GrowYourLife  #BuildYourBusiness

Life Area: Professional
Topic: Paycheck Protection Program


Another View of PPP


This blog post is for my clients and audience member businesses, sole proprietors, and independent contractors that received or will receive Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) funds.


If you were lucky enough to be allocated some of the PPP money, congratulations, many applied but few were selected. The money from the first tranche of the program dried up in just 13 days, the second tranche was gone in less than 24 hours!


So, I know what you are thinking based on my interaction with clients: “I must spend all this money so I can get it all forgiven.” My advice is to: Get that thought out of your head!


The new Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act), the Emergency Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) and the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA Act) initiated various loan programs, tax credit programs, and deferral programs that all intermingle with one another. If you opt for one program, it may preclude you from using another one of the programs.


Your goal should not be to spend all the proceeds so that everything is forgiven. If that happens, great, but that should not be your goal.


PPP is a two-step process


The Paycheck Protection Program is a two-step process:

  1. Get the Money – you did that!
  2. Spend the Money – this is what this blog post is about, and the calculations are a little tricky when it comes to what is forgivable or not!


Your goal should not be to spend all the proceeds so that everything is forgiven. If that happens, great, but that should not be your goal. You received this money to pay for expenses in the normal course of business over a designated eight-week period. You should spend the money as you would in the normal course of business based on your cash forecasting. The driver for spending the funds should be made on an economic basis, not based on making an expense forgivable.


The forgivable expenses are pretty straight forward. If you have to ask yourself “Does this expense qualify to be forgiven?” – it probably doesn’t. I have listed the qualifying expenses below. Simply put, qualifying expenses are payroll and related (at least 75% of the PPP funds) and certain business expenses including mortgage/lease payments and utilities (can not exceed 25%).

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Tom and the Success Series Team Remember and Honor


#GrowYourLife #BuildYourBusiness

Life Area: Personal

Topic: Memorial Day


Tom and the Success Series Team Remember and Honor


Each year on Memorial Day, Americans take a pause from their busy schedules to remember those who gave their lives to protect the freedoms people enjoy daily.


Occurring on the last Monday in May, Memorial Day is celebrated today, May 25, 2020. While most people are aware the holiday honors America’s military, at times, the significance of Memorial Day and Veteran’s Day are combined into one.


Veteran’s Day is commemorated in November and honors all those who have served their country, including those who have passed away. However, it’s primarily focused on thanking those who have served who are still alive.


Memorial Day, on the other hand, is designed to honor those service members who passed away, especially those who gave their lives in the line of duty.



Memorial Day honors more than one million men and women who have died in military service since the Civil War


In 1868, then-Commander in Chief John A. Logan of the Grand Army of the Republic proclaimed May 30 to be Decoration Day, becoming Memorial Day in 1968. At first, people honored only Union and Confederate soldiers. However, it was expanded after World War I to include all service members who perished in all wars. As of two years ago, the United States Census Bureau reported Memorial Day honors more than one million men and women who have died in military service since the Civil War.


The Civil War was the deadliest of all America’s confrontations with over 500,000 people dying. Since the Civil War, America has participated in seven other wars, with casualties identified as:

  • Spanish-American War: 2,446
  • World War I: 116,516
  • World War II: 405,339
  • Korean War: 54,246
  • Vietnam War: 90,220
  • Desert Shield/Desert Storm: 1,948
  • Afghanistan and Iraq: 6,951


Please join Tom and the Success Series Team in honoring our fallen heroes.


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Living A Regret-free Life



#GrowYourLife  #BuildYourBusiness

Life Area: Personal  
Topic: Living Life to the Full


Living A Regret-free Life


Regret is a terrible thing.

Don’t wait to do the things you love. Because you never know when your time will be up.

Create that project


Whatever project you want to create, create it now.

The part of you that wants to create it right now will not be around forever.

The book you write at 25 will be very different than the book you write at 30, and 35, and 40, and so on.

As we change, our perspectives and feelings change as well.

Create what you want to create right now, and capture this moment in time.


You never know where that love will take you —

who knows, maybe you will end up together after all.


Love that person


Do you connect with someone? Do you like someone?

Even if you know you won’t marry this person, or spend the rest of your life with this person, let yourself love them.

Ride that wave together.

You never know where that love will take you — who knows, maybe you will end up together after all.

But trust how you feel right now, because that feeling won’t last forever, and the opportunity will be gone as fast as it presented itself.

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Talk with Tom: Episode #77 | TwT Motivational Minute: Lean Into It


Episode 70 finds Tom talking about the importance of leaning into the opportunities given to us, even if we’re not sure we can handle the position. Taking the first step faithfully is possibly the most important key to one’s success.

Every month Tom shares topic after topic to Grow Your Life and Build Your Business. If you’re not already a subscriber, join us. Talk with Tom is 100% free, and there are special benefits available only to our subscribers, so be sure you subscribe yourself on iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts, and we look forward to seeing you right back here on the last Wednesday of every month with Talk with Tom.

Talk with Tom: Episode #76 | TwT Motivational Minute: What Do You Want?


In this episode of the Talk with Tom Motivational Minute, Tom asks, “What do you want?”. Most people aren’t able to answer this simple question. Here’s some actions and practices to help you focus in on knowing what you want.

Every month Tom shares topic after topic to Grow Your Life and Build Your Business. If you’re not already a subscriber, join us. Talk with Tom is 100% free, and there are special benefits available only to our subscribers, so be sure you subscribe yourself on iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts, and we look forward to seeing you right back here on the last Wednesday of every month with Talk with Tom.

Talk with Tom: Episode #75 | Should I Hire A Coach in the Middle of Covid?


Many are asking if they should hire a coach during these current pandemic times.

When life is challenging, business or personal life, that is probably the best time to have a coach. Getting that outside perspective to your challenges is a key resource in success.

In this episode, Tom Hart gives you sound reasoning for having a business and life coach in your life right now.

You can contact Tom for a Right Fit call today to determine if Tom is the right fit for you.

Every month Tom shares topic after topic to Grow Your Life and Build Your Business. If you’re not already a subscriber, join us. Talk with Tom is 100% free, and there are special benefits available only to our subscribers, so be sure you subscribe yourself on iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts, and we look forward to seeing you right back here on the last Wednesday of every month with Talk with Tom.

Spanx Founder Tells Us What Stops Our Success



#GrowYourLife  #BuildYourBusiness

Life Area: Personal  
Topic: Negative Self-Talk

Spanx Founder Tells Us the No. 1 Reason Stopping Our Success


Sara Blakely is known for her revolutionary shapewear product “Spanx” released in 1998. Since then, Spanx has solved the wardrobe woes of women around the world by designing bras, underwear, leggings, and other intimate apparel in a way that has changed the way women feel about their bodies. In the process, Sara became a self-made billionaire.

Sara Blakely’s success lesson.


In a recent interview, the wildly-successful Blakely admitted that she still struggles with doubt and fear. She told her interviewer the one thing she felt was holding back thousands of us from realizing our full potential was our negative self-talk.


Our negative self-talk is the No.1 barrier to success.”

– Spanx founder, Sara Blakely


Who can’t relate to that? We all have, at one time or another, been held back by the lies we allow to infiltrate our own heads: you’re not good enough, rich enough, talented enough, pretty enough, so on and so forth.


Jack Canfield provides us with this illustrative of the Self-talk Loop. Read more up on it in one of my past blog posts: 5 Ways of Turning Your Negative Self-Talk into Positive Self-Talk [here].

self-talk loop








I admire Blakely’s authenticity and the wisdom she imparted. She states she has been able to manage her negative self-talk over the years by continuing to do the emotional work most people neglect to overcome their own doubts and fears.


Negative self-talk is a very real thing–and a very self-limiting thing holding people back. In a 2005 National Science Foundation study, researchers found that the average person has about 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day. The alarming part? Eighty percent of those thoughts are negative and fear-based!


If you’re struggling with your own demoralizing inner critic, here are three crucial things to help you manage the negative self-talk and overcome your fears.


1. Gain perspective into your situation.

Often, due to failure and rejection, people develop a warped sense of reality where they can’t separate fact from fantasy. When making the entrepreneurial journey or climbing the corporate ladder, failure is a sure thing–you can bank on it.


But when you step back and gain perspective into your situation, you can realize that life will go on and you’re not going to die a horrible death if you get rejected or miss out on an opportunity.


The worst-case-scenario that feeds into our fear or the negative drama we play out in our heads is merely that … drama. Lose the script, put the past in the past, and detach any previous negative outcome from your current reality. Once you start with a clean slate and see possibilities again with renewed insight, you’ll realize that your negative self-talk no longer has any power over you.

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Talk with Tom: Episode #74 | TwT Motivational Minute: Assertiveness For Success


Assertiveness is important to your success. It is not bullying, or aggressive behavior, as is often thought. It reflects a stable inner life, which supports successful actions and thoughts. Learn more about positive, assertive behavior from Tom in this podcast.

Every month Tom shares topic after topic to Grow Your Life and Build Your Business. If you’re not already a subscriber, join us. Talk with Tom is 100% free, and there are special benefits available only to our subscribers, so be sure you subscribe yourself on iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts, and we look forward to seeing you right back here on the last Wednesday of every month with Talk with Tom.

Talk with Tom: Episode #73 | TwT Motivational Minute: Potential For Success


What inner mental images might be holding you back from success? Everyone has the potential for success, yet not everyone is successful. Learn from Tom in this podcast episode what contributes to real-world successes in life.

Every month Tom shares topic after topic to Grow Your Life and Build Your Business. If you’re not already a subscriber, join us. Talk with Tom is 100% free, and there are special benefits available only to our subscribers, so be sure you subscribe yourself on iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts, and we look forward to seeing you right back here on the last Wednesday of every month with Talk with Tom.

Talk with Tom: Episode #72 | 5 Cash Flow Goals Every Small Business Should Have


business cash flow

On today’s episode of Talk with Tom, we continue with our January theme of goal setting but this time we turn it from personal goals to business goals…from Growing Your Life to Building Your Business. Today’s topic is the 5 Cash Flow Goals Every Small Business Should Have:

  1. Pay attention to margins
  2. Pay yourself a salary
  3. Have finances in reserve
  4. Avoid debt
  5. Save for growth

Be realistic about your goals. Aiming for super high margins, an unrealistic salary, or endless cash reserves can be detrimental to your business. Think about each of the above steps and prioritize each based on what’s realistic and achievable for your industry, fiscal state, and wider business goals. Start by revisiting your business plan, talking to your accountant, and then go from there.

Every month Tom shares topic after topic to Grow Your Life and Build Your Business. If you’re not already a subscriber, join us. Talk with Tom is 100% free, and there are special benefits available only to our subscribers, so be sure you subscribe yourself on iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts, and we look forward to seeing you right back here on the last Wednesday of every month with Talk with Tom.

TOMORROW: National Small Business Town Hall re: Covid Stimulus Package


Just a heads-up to my many small business and entrepreneur clients of a valuable invitation:

TOMORROW the US Chamber of Commerce and Inc. magazine are hosting a FREE virtual Town Hall to explain the many small business facets to the Covid Stimulus Package. Sign up [here].

Congress just passed a historic economic stimulus package benefiting America’s small businesses. What does this Bill mean for your small business? What do you need to know to help your business thrive, reassure your employees, and give you some of the certainty needed to lead? Sign up to receive the answer to these and many other questions regarding the $2 trillion stimulus package.

Click [here] to register and then pass this email on to your entrepreneur friends.

Stay healthy! Remember, we’re in this together!


Please share this blog post with your family and friends.

My mission is to inspire people and organizations to live their highest vision.

I am a Success Strategist and Master Coach. I provide transformational coaching and training for individuals and organizations to help you Grow Your Life and Build Your Business by getting clear and focused on what you want, why you want it, and how to create it. Learn more about me at

There is no better endorsement than that of a friend, so if you like what you’re reading or are using my many FREE resources, tell a friend to join the Tom Hart Success Series Community, to receive email notifications of new blog posts and Talk with Tom podcast episodes, learn of upcoming events, and other news, by visiting my website and clicking on the offer to receive my FREE monthly resource by leaving their email address OR forward this to them and have them simply click here (we respect your privacy and do not tolerate spam and will never sell, rent, lease or give away your information to any third party).

Not Everyone Can Be Coached


Not Everyone Can Be Coached


#GrowYourLife  #BuildYourBusiness

Life Area: Professional  
Topic: Executive Coaching

Not Everyone Can Be Coached


Whether you’re a top executive or a recent grad, coaching could be a huge boost to your career. But it could also be a waste of money.

As a business and life coach, I’m thrilled that so many people are hiring professional coaches like me. However, like any trend, some people rush into hiring a coach who maybe shouldn’t. Here are a few questions I ask people who approach me about coaching and questions I suggest you ask yourself before you hire a coach.

  1. How self-aware are you?

While this is a difficult question to ask yourself, it’s key to the coaching process. If you’re not willing, or able, to objectively look at your own thinking, behavior, and actions, then coaching may have limited impact. Those who get a lot out of coaching are highly aware of how their behaviors impact others and situations.

Check the language in your thinking. When something bad happens, do you immediately start blaming other people and finding excuses of why the external world conspired against you and put you in a bad situation? If so, you might want to first work on seeing how you contributed to the outcomes, too.

  1. Are you ambitious?

Coaches can help develop great strategies and paths to success, but they can’t do the work for you. If you’re not driven to make changes and not willing to put in the hard work to implement the action plans, you might not get much out of coaching. You need to want the outcomes enough to do the hard work. If not, you might be wasting your money.


Coaches can help develop great strategies and paths to success, but they can’t do the work for you.


  1. Do you hold yourself accountable?

Many people come to me looking to be held accountable and for me to drive the process. I have to explain to them that I can’t make them do anything. I can only help them get clarity on what they want, why they want it, and how they are going to get it. But they need to be in charge of doing the work.

If you’re not willing or able to take personal accountability for your commitments, then even the best coach in the world will not be able to help you succeed. That doesn’t mean you need to be perfect; failure is part of the process. But you need to “own it” and be willing to be self-critical. Don’t blame your coach for not making you do your work.

  1. Do you have a growth or fixed mindset?

A lot of research has been done in the last decade regarding how your thinking can impact your ability to create change. Carol Dweck’s book Mindset presents this as the concept of fixed vs growth mindset. Which one you have will impact the effectiveness of your coaching considerably.

Put simply, a fixed mindset is one that believes your skills and abilities are innate and determined at birth. A growth mindset believes that while you have many natural gifts, you also have the ability to learn and grow through persistence and focused effort.

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Talk with Tom: Episode #71 | TwT Motivational Minute: Focus on Your Focus


What are you focusing on in your life? Are you focusing on what you want, with gratitude for what you have? Your focus is a magnet; it is attracting more of what is focused upon into your life.

Every month Tom shares topic after topic to Grow Your Life and Build Your Business. If you’re not already a subscriber, join us. Talk with Tom is 100% free, and there are special benefits available only to our subscribers, so be sure you subscribe yourself on iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts, and we look forward to seeing you right back here on the last Wednesday of every month with Talk with Tom.

Career Advice from Tom Hanks


Career Advice from Tom Hanks


#GrowYourLife  #BuildYourBusiness

Life Area: Professional  
Topic: Career Success

Career Advice from Tom Hanks


Toward the end of Tom Hank’s 2020 Golden Globe acceptance speech, Hanks shared a 3-step formula for success that he learned decades ago. It’s simple and brilliant–and could completely change the way we work.


He’s widely regarded as one of the greatest actors of all time. So, when Tom Hanks shares career advice, we all do well to listen. In his acceptance speech, Hanks repeatedly got choked up as he thanked his family, co-workers, and several notable actors and directors. After all, Hanks said, “you’re a dope if you don’t steal from everybody you have ever worked with.”


But it was toward the end of Hanks’ seven-minute speech when the famous actor dropped the real golden nugget.


Hanks shared a story of when he worked in his first professional job, as an intern at the Great Lakes Shakespeare Festival. Hanks said he and his fellow interns showed up to rehearsals after doing a little too much partying the previous night. The director wasn’t having it.


“He screamed at us,” said Hanks. “You know what your job is?” the director asked. “You have got to show up on time, and you have to know the text, and you have to have a head full of ideas. Otherwise I can’t do my job.”


And there it is, a simple, brilliant, three step-formula for success:


Show up on time, know the text, and have a head full of ideas.


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What Will You Do With Your Extra Day Of 2020?


There is another event other than the Olympics that occurs every four years…a leap year! Just like my blog post for daylight savings time when we were given an extra hour by “falling back”, today I ask: “What will you do with your extra day of 2020?”


I came across this article from Apartment Therapy which gives us 30+ ideas on what to do with our extra day:


If you’re feeling productive:

  1. Make a detailed, drilled-down, personalized spring cleaning checklist.
  2. Catch up on the chores you missed doing last week.
  3. Get ahead on next week’s chores.
  4. Make the returns that are sitting in your front hall.
  5. Meal plan for the next week and order groceries.
  6. Create a master meal plan template (for instance, Meatless Monday, Taco Tuesday, Bowl Wednesday, Leftovers Thursday, Pizza Friday, etc.).
  7. Create a block schedule.
  8. Take action on the “actionable” paper pile on your desk.
  9. Catch up on laundry.
  10. Do a blitz-clean of your whole house.


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Talk with Tom: Episode #70 | Creating Successful Relationships


On today’s episode of Talk with Tom, we continue with our theme of “Relationships” with a discussion of Part IV (Create Successful Relationships) of Jack Canfield’s best selling book The Success Principles.

You will hear best practices for team and family communications to gain better clarity, make win/win agreements and optimize your listening skills.

Every month Tom shares topic after topic to Grow Your Life and Build Your Business. If you’re not already a subscriber, join us. Talk with Tom is 100% free, and there are special benefits available only to our subscribers, so be sure you subscribe yourself on iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts, and we look forward to seeing you right back here on the last Wednesday of every month with Talk with Tom.

Happy Valentine’s Day from Tom and the Success Series Team


Express your love on this special day! #SuccessSeriesLoveDay #GrowYourLife #BuildYourBusiness


Happy Valentine’s Day friends. Today, I want to share with you a powerful tip to help you find a partner with whom you can be truly happy:


First, create a list of all the qualities you’d like to have in a romantic partner, and make this list as long and as specific as possible. The clearer you are on the kind of person you most want to be in a relationship with, the easier it will be for you to recognize that person when they show up in your life.


Once you’ve written your list, commit to it. Read it every single day and take time to visualize what your life will feel like when you have that person in your life.


Finally, repeat a daily affirmation to yourself, by saying something like, “The perfect person is out there, and I am attracting them into my life right now.”  These positive thoughts will keep you inspired. I want you to know that through this process, and the law of attraction, you are literally manifesting that person into your life!


Many people go through life thinking they’re not worthy of love, or that they’ll never find their true life partner or soulmate. If you’re feeling like that now, I want you to know that we’ve all been there, and I guarantee you that in this vast world of ours, there is someone who would love to spend his or her life with you. I also want to remind you that to find that special one to love you, you must first love YOURSELF. Read this blog post of mine from last year entitled A Simple 3 Step Process To Self-Acceptance which was part of my 3-part February Relationship Series that also included: 8 Equivalents of Functional Teams & Functional Families, and a podcast episode: Your Most Important Relationship – Your Relationship with Yourself.


For those of you already in a significant relationship, I offer up this third blog post of my Relationship Series entitled 10 Tips For Having More Meaningful Relationships which you can find [here].


Again, Happy Valentine’s Day for me and the Success Series Team.

Talk with Tom: Episode #69 | TwT Motivational Minute: Scale Your Success with Proven Habits


Negative habits create negative results. Positive habits create positive results. Often achieving success will bring a person to plateaus; growth stops. Creating growth habits that support life-long growth — and adding new positive habits continually — will give you a life full of success.

Every month Tom shares topic after topic to Grow Your Life and Build Your Business. If you’re not already a subscriber, join us. Talk with Tom is 100% free, and there are special benefits available only to our subscribers, so be sure you subscribe yourself on iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts, and we look forward to seeing you right back here on the last Wednesday of every month with Talk with Tom.

Relationship Series: A Simple 3 Step Process To Self-Acceptance



Life Area: Relational

Topic: Accepting Yourself


A Simple 3 Step Process To Self-Acceptance

It’s February and ”relationships” is my blog theme for this month of Valentine’s Day. Let’s begin our deep dive into the Relational life area, with your most important relationship: your relationship with yourself. Specifically, accepting yourself unconditionally.

The other day in a coaching session it became apparent to me that my client hadn’t yet fully accepted herself.  Now, I admit we all on-goingly struggle with this to a certain extent, but she hadn’t even begun the process and this was standing in the way of a major breakthrough for her so I walked her through the following simple 3 step process:

Step 1:               Your attitude toward yourself is determined largely by the attitudes that YOU “think” other people have toward you. When you believe that other people think highly of you, your level of self-acceptance goes up and vice versa.

Step 2:               For you to truly understand yourself, or to stop being troubled by things that may have happened in your past, you have to be able to get those things off your chest. When you can disclose what you’re truly thinking and feeling to someone else, you can become aware of those thoughts and emotions yourself. If the other person simply listens to you without commenting or criticizing, you have the opportunity to become more aware of the person you are and why you do the things you do. You begin to develop perspective, or what some call “detachment.”

When you can stand back and look at yourself honestly, and candidly admit to others that you’re not perfect, then you can start to enjoy a heightened sense of self-acceptance.

Step 3:               After doing those things, you arrive at self-acceptance. You accept yourself for who you are: the good and the bad, your strengths and your weaknesses. When you can stand back and look at yourself honestly, and candidly admit to others that you’re not perfect, then you can start to enjoy a heightened sense of self-acceptance.


A valuable exercise for developing higher levels of self-acceptance is to take an inventory of your unique talents and abilities and your past successes in both your personal and professional life. Think about how those things will serve you in the future and the possibilities that may come from them and soon you will determine that you WILL be who you want to be, have what you want to have, and do what you want to do. You can then set goals and move toward them.

Remember, there are no obstacles to what you can accomplish except the obstacles that you create in your own mind…so keep your monkey-mind in check!


Please share this post with your family and friends. 

My mission is to inspire people and organizations to live their highest vision.

I am a Success Strategist and Master Coach. I provide transformational coaching and training for individuals and organizations to help you Grow Your Life and Build Your Business by getting clear and focused on what you want, why you want it, and how to create it. Learn more about me at

There is no better endorsement than that of a friend, so if you like what you’re reading or are using my many FREE resources, tell a friend to join the Tom Hart Success Series Community, to receive email notifications of new blog posts and Talk with Tom podcast episodes, learn of upcoming events, and other news, by visiting my website  and clicking on the offer to receive my FREE monthly resource by leaving their email address OR forward this to them and have them simply click here (we respect your privacy and do not tolerate spam and will never sell, rent, lease or give away your information to any third party).

Talk with Tom: Episode #68 | 4 Goal Achievement Hacks


It’s that time of year again … goal setting time! I’ve been setting and achieving goals my entire teen and adult life and have been professionally coaching about it for the last 20 years. I have learned a lot of goal setting hacks along the way and in this episode of Talk with Tom, I share 4 of my favorite hacks and offer up 4 FREE Resources to assist you in setting your goals.

Every month Tom shares topic after topic to Grow Your Life and Build Your Business. If you’re not already a subscriber, join us. Talk with Tom is 100% free, and there are special benefits available only to our subscribers, so be sure you subscribe yourself on iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts, and we look forward to seeing you right back here on the last Wednesday of every month with Talk with Tom.

Relationship Series: 8 Equivalents of Functional Teams & Functional Families


functional families


Life Area: Relational

Topic: Functional Families

8 Equivalents of Functional Teams & Functional Families

Let’s segue into the month of Valentine’s Day by talking relationships. Today I identify 8 habits that crossover from functional teams at work to functional families at home. It was an article in Real Simple magazine by author Patrick Lencioni (The 5 Dysfunctions of a Team) that prompts this post translating organizational dynamics to a family setting:


Identify your core values. Companies define their core values because they provide a great framework for making all kinds of decisions. To apply this idea to your family, think about what common traits drive each family member.


Establish a single top priority.  If everything is important, nothing is. Too many companies fail because they spread their time and energies too thin. Answer this question as it relates to your family: “If we accomplish one big thing as a family in the next few months, what should it be?”, and then work on it.


If we accomplish one big thing as a family in the next few months,

what should it be?


Keep your values and top priority visible.  You don’t need an engraved plaque stating your vision and mission, but write it down and stick it on the refrigerator where everyone will see it everyday.


Don’t make snap decisions.  Companies (and families) tend to take on commitments out of peer pressure or guilt, before they understand what’s involved. Gather information and then make a decision.

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10 Ways To Make This Year Your Best Year Ever – Part 2


Today I present Part 2 of 10 Ways To Make This Year Your Best Year Ever in our Goals Series. Below I list the first five ways in our list of 10:

  1. Assess the past year
  2. Finish up or let go
  3. Put your goals in writing
  4. Exercise
  5. Build new relationships

Now, here are the last five:

6. Learn new skills to make this year your best year ever

New goals require new actions, and new actions typically require new skills. Take a moment to identify some of the skills you would like to acquire this year, and begin looking for the people and resources that can help you acquire those skills.

Whether it’s a local class, an online course, or a seminar, remember that all skills are learnable. Don’t make excuses for not learning new skills. People who stop learning new skills are the first ones to become obsolete in the marketplace.

7. Move away from relationships that don’t support your success to make this year your best year ever

Unfortunately many of us are surrounded by people who do not support our success. Whether they are friends, colleagues, or even relatives, some of these people may try to belittle your ambitions, hold you back, or convince you to quit once you get started.

Understand that you become the average of the people you spend the most time with. If the attitudes, philosophies, and behaviors of the people around you are not aligned with those of the person you intend to become, you must begin dissolving those relationships.

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10 Ways To Make This Year Your Best Year Ever – Part 1


The beginning of the year is a special time of year. It’s a time when most of us reflect on the past year and take time to plan the future year. Most of us turn our focus to improving ourselves and our life by implementing new habits for the year ahead. Many resolve (create new year’s resolutions) to make positive changes in the year ahead. The fact of the matter is though that statics reveal that only 8% of people achieve their new year’s resolutions, 49% have some level of achievement, and 24% never had success achieving their new year’s resolutions.

As you know from having read this blog for any length of time, we advocate setting New Year’s Intentions and following a deliberate Goal Setting and Achievement focus. THAT is how you make your dream a reality. Over this, and the next, blog post I offer up 10 ways to greatly improve YOUR odds.

1. Assess the past year to make this year your best year ever

Take an honest look at last year. Assess the good, the bad, and the ugly. Celebrate your triumphs, learn from your mistakes, and treat any constructive criticism as valuable feedback.

2. Finish Up or Let Go to make this year your best year ever

Use January to finish any Incompletes. Of those remaining, decide which to carry forward and which to honorably “let go to move on”. Navigate to the Workshop Resources page on my website and download the handout entitled 10 Ways To Complete Before Moving Forward to get some ideas on how to create an Incompletes List of your own.

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Talk with Tom: Episode #67 | TwT Motivational Minute: Positive Inner World


How to outwit the 6 ghosts of fear… Tom helps us clear and heal ourselves from our unconscious fears that are holding us back from success. By keeping a positive outlook, you are giving yourself the best environment to grow your success in.

Every month Tom shares topic after topic to Grow Your Life and Build Your Business. If you’re not already a subscriber, join us. Talk with Tom is 100% free, and there are special benefits available only to our subscribers, so be sure you subscribe yourself on iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts, and we look forward to seeing you right back here on the last Wednesday of every month with Talk with Tom.

Goals Series: 14 Apps To Help You Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions


Success Series Goal Series Spin Class

It’s already happening…my spin class is starting to loosen up. Packed classes once filled with members jazzed about accomplishing their new year’s fitness goals and resolutions are starting to go by the wayside. It happens every year. January is packed, February lightens up, and by March class is half-full (no…not because everyone is riding outside!). Continue reading

New Year’s 7-Day Goal Setting Challenge


#GrowYourLife #BuildYourBusiness

Life Area: Personal

Topic: Goal Setting


It’s New Year’s Day 2020 and what better day to begin setting your 2020 goals, if you haven’t already.  Would you like to…

  • …make more money?
  • …spend more time with loved ones?
  • …travel as much as you want?
  • …live the life you dream of?

Then set your 2020 goals and make an Action Plan for their achievement NOW!

What if you could radically and positively transform your life in EVERY ONE of the 7 Life Areas?

To help give you a little nudge, Download my FREE 7-Day Goal Setting Challenge here – A Guide to Help You Set Your Goals, Create a Plan of Action and Begin Achieving Them IN ONLY A WEEK!









What if you could radically and positively transform your life in EVERY ONE of the 7 Life Areas (personal, physical, professional, financial, relational, spiritual, and philanthropical)?

That’s right, your relationships, your health, your career, your finances, your fun and leisure, and even your level of contribution to the world? My FREE 7-Day Goal Setting Challenge will help you determine where you are, where you want to be, and what you want, to create the life you want, IN ONLY A WEEK! Download it for FREE here:



Please share this blog post with your family and friends.

My mission is to inspire people and organizations to live their highest vision.

I am a Success Strategist and Master Coach. I provide transformational coaching and training for individuals and organizations to help you Grow Your Life and Build Your Business by getting clear and focused on what you want, why you want it, and how to create it. Learn more about me at

There is no better endorsement than that of a friend, so if you like what you’re reading or are using my many FREE resources, tell a friend to join the Tom Hart Success Series Community, to receive email notifications of new blog posts and Talk with Tom podcast episodes, learn of upcoming events, and other news, by visiting my website and clicking on the offer to receive my FREE monthly resource by leaving their email address OR forward this to them and have them simply click here (we respect your privacy and do not tolerate spam and will never sell, rent, lease or give away your information to any third party).

Talk with Tom Episode #66 | My Ultimate Goal Setting System


It’s that stereotypical time of year when we all set our goals for the coming year and on today’s episode of Talk with Tom, Tom will be giving us his Ultimate Goal Setting System. Tom will walk us through his step-by-step goal setting system to guide you from your Grand Vision to your daily action steps.

tom hart success series year end assessment Download my FREE Year-End Assessment Tool [here]. As you look to the new year, it’s important to step back and take a look at the year just finished – to take inventory, add it all up and see how you did. What were your successes, and where did you come up short? What worked? What didn’t? Download my FREE Year-End Assessment Tool [here] to help you do just that. My FREE Year-End Assessment Tool is a guide to help you assess the progress you made toward achieving your goals this past year and set you up for success in the coming year. Download this valuable FREE resource [here] and get started today!

Every month Tom shares topic after topic to Grow Your Life and Build Your Business. If you’re not already a subscriber, join us. Talk with Tom is 100% free, and there are special benefits available only to our subscribers, so be sure you subscribe yourself on iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts, and we look forward to seeing you right back here on the last Wednesday of every month with Talk with Tom.

Talk with Tom: Episode #65 | TwT Motivational Minute: Rewarded For What We Do


In this first Talk With Tom; Motivational Minute of the decade, Tom talks about the importance of action—doing. We are only rewarded for the actions we take.

Every month Tom shares topic after topic to Grow Your Life and Build Your Business. If you’re not already a subscriber, join us. Talk with Tom is 100% free, and there are special benefits available only to our subscribers, so be sure you subscribe yourself on iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts, and we look forward to seeing you right back here on the last Wednesday of every month with Talk with Tom.

3 Productivity Hacks That Take Less Than 3 Minutes



#GrowYourLife  #BuildYourBusiness

Life Area: Professional  
Topic: Productivity

3 Productivity Hacks That Take Less Than 3 Minutes


Productivity is top of mind for every entrepreneur. For my mompreneur clients, productivity is even more crucial as you juggle kids and home, along with work. Whether you have kids, pets, community obligations, or anything else that can divide your time, you might be feeling a bit overwhelmed, but here are three things, with the help of writer Stephanie Burns, you can do in under three minutes that will help you be instantly more productive.


  1. Visualize A Finished List

When you get in the mindset of feeling accomplished — not overwhelmed — tasks become infinitely easier. That’s why you should start your day off by briefly meditating on your “Finished List” which is a list of three things you absolutely must get done that day. Once you make your list, put a checkmark next to each of the tasks, close your eyes for 10 seconds and imagine it done. Feel the excitement of getting that proposal written or the joy around wrapping up that grueling presentation at work.


This exercise will spark the physiological response of excitement in your body and decrease the feeling of overwhelm or discomfort. Once you open your eyes, it will seem so much easier for you to do even the most grueling tasks because you are past the anxiety and fear of how and when it will get done. You’re firmly seated in the delight of it being completed.


“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”

Wayne Dyer


  1. Take A Gratitude Walk

A jolt of caffeine may increase your energy, but it usually comes with a crash later. Instead try a three-minute gratitude walk.


Research shows that going for a stroll can increase your creativity far beyond sitting in a chair at your desk. Plus, you’ll turbo-charge your productivity when you think about all the things you’re grateful for while you put one foot in front of the other. When you feel thankful to have this level of a “work problem” today, you interrupt your limiting beliefs that cause you to see problems instead of opportunities. As Wayne Dyer loved to say: “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”


Just remember not to list boring general things you’re “grateful” for, but actually don’t really care about, like “I’m grateful I have clothes” or “I’m alive” (unless you really are in-your-bones thrilled about either one). Mention something that is actually meaningful in a specific way for you. For example, maybe you’re a parent who is usually sleep deprived but last night you got a solid night’s sleep. Say to yourself, “I’m so grateful for how rested I feel.” Or if you’ve ever been unemployed, you may even say something like: “This client may be a headache sometimes, but I am so grateful to have the work.”


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Happy Holidays from Tom and the Success Series Team


Happy Holidays from Tom and the Success Series Team


Happy Holidays!


This time of year, the hustle and bustle of the holiday season can seem stressful, overwhelming, and sometimes downright exhausting…


But it’s important to remember why we’re doing these things.


Let’s all pause for a moment to think about the abundance and joy that surround our lives and daily activities. Showing gratitude for the people and things in our life will bring us even more love and happiness.


When you’re with your family and friends, do your best to remain present. Enjoying your time and nourishing your relationships can help you feel grounded, inspired, and supported as you get ready to take on new opportunities in 2020.


Please share this post with your family and friends. 

My mission is to inspire people and organizations to live their highest vision.

I am a Success Strategist and Master Coach. I provide transformational coaching and training for individuals and organizations to help you Grow Your Life and Build Your Business by getting clear and focused on what you want, why you want it, and how to create it. Learn more about me at

There is no better endorsement than that of a friend, so if you like what you’re reading or are using my many FREE resources, tell a friend to join the Tom Hart Success Series Community, to receive email notifications of new blog posts and Talk with Tom podcast episodes, learn of upcoming events, and other news, by visiting my website  and clicking on the offer to receive my FREE monthly resource by leaving their email address OR forward this to them and have them simply click here (we respect your privacy and do not tolerate spam and will never sell, rent, lease or give away your information to any third party).

7 Key Contract Clauses for the Independent Consultant


7 Key Contract Clauses for the Independent Consultant


#GrowYourLife  #BuildYourBusiness

Life Area: Professional  
Topic: Consulting Contracts

7 Key Contract Clauses for the Independent Consultant


I have been an independent contractor and service consultant at various times throughout my career and have come to learn, sometimes the hard way, the key provisions consultants must have in their agreements if you are to survive on your own. These clauses are commonplace among the “big boys” contracts, so be sure to have them in yours to assure you limit your liability and, most importantly, get paid:


Getting paid is not the only issue

Consultants who are well-established with a large clientele do enjoy certain advantages. Most have formed their own limited liability companies and have set contracts that they have devised and refined over the years, providing protections and solid payment clauses. And they will quickly drop clients who renege on any terms of that contract.


But for the newbie consultant who is not well established, it is often the client who presents the contract, and the hungry consultant is at that client’s mercy if they want the work. But there are some “red flags” in contracts that consultants need to look for – clauses that can result in trouble down the road. Here are some of them:


  1. Ownership of the work product Who owns the work product? Clients will want that ownership transferred to them. This is normal. But, it should be clearly stated in any contract that ownership will not be transferred to a client until you have received payment in full for that work product.


  1. Indemnification This is a legal term that relates to who is liable should there be any lawsuits based upon the work product or the use of that work product. Once you transfer work product to a client, that client should assume all liability for how that work product is used. Your liability should end as soon as that transfer occurs. If a client insists that you retain any liability, walk away.


It should be clearly stated in the contract that ownership of the work product will not transfer to the client until you have received payment in full.


  1. Getting paid Never sign a contract in which the terms of payment are vague. While you may have agreed upon a price, there should be a schedule of payments. I always insist on an up-front retainer that gets applied to the last invoice. If the project is lengthy and complicated, there should be scheduled payments along the way. Thus, you can stop your work if a scheduled payment is not made. You may even want to insist that the client provide credit card authorization, so that you can bill through his/her bank.


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FREE Resource – Year End Assessment Tool


year end assessment

#GrowYourLife #BuildYourBusiness

Life Area: Personal

FREE Resource – Year End Assessment Tool


I just wanted to send you a quick boost of encouragement and motivation as we head into 2020. You and I both know that these last few weeks of the year present a major opportunity. There’s no better time than now to take a look at your life and work and assess some areas that are ripe for improvement. Invest your time away from the office in personal growth.

I suggest taking a hard look at the last year and asking yourself a few very important questions:

  • What is a goal you set this year that you haven’t yet achieved?
  • What did you make more important than achieving that goal?
  • Who helped you the most, and how can you be a greater resource to them?
  • What’s still important to achieve?

Take time for yourself to do YOUR Annual Review. Download my FREE Year End Assessment Tool to help you through those and other questions which will springboard you into 2020.

tom hart success series year end assessment Download my FREE Year-End Assessment Tool [here]. As you look to the new year, it’s important to step back and take a look at the year just finished – to take inventory, add it all up and see how you did. What were your successes, and where did you come up short? What worked? What didn’t? Download my FREE Year-End Assessment Tool [here] to help you do just that. My FREE Year-End Assessment Tool is a guide to help you assess the progress you made toward achieving your goals this past year and set you up for success in 2020. Download this valuable FREE resource [here] and get started today!

Please share this FREE Resource with your family and friends.

My mission is to inspire people and organizations to live their highest vision.

I am a Success Strategist and Master Coach. I provide transformational coaching and training for individuals and organizations to help you Grow Your Life and Build Your Business by getting clear and focused on what you want, why you want it, and how to create it. Learn more about me at

There is no better endorsement than that of a friend, so if you like what you’re reading or are using my many FREE resources, tell a friend to join the Tom Hart Success Series Community, to receive email notifications of new blog posts and Talk with Tom podcast episodes, learn of upcoming events, and other news, by visiting my website and clicking on the offer to receive my FREE monthly resource by leaving their email address OR forward this to them and have them simply click here (we respect your privacy and do not tolerate spam and will never sell, rent, lease or give away your information to any third party).

Talk with Tom: Episode #64 | TwT Motivational Minute: 2019 Year End Assessment Tool


As you look to the new year, it’s important to step back and take a look at the year just finished. In this episode of the Talk with Tom Motivational Minute, Tom offers up his FREE Year End Assessment Tool and asks us to take inventory of the year just past.

Every month Tom shares topic after topic to Grow Your Life and Build Your Business. If you’re not already a subscriber, join us. Talk with Tom is 100% free, and there are special benefits available only to our subscribers, so be sure you subscribe yourself on iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts, and we look forward to seeing you right back here on the last Wednesday of every month with Talk with Tom.

Happy Thanksgiving from Tom Hart and the Success Series Team


Happy Thanksgiving From Success Series


Happy Thanksgiving!

This coming Thursday those of us who reside in the United States will be celebrating Thanksgiving Day, a national holiday primarily celebrated with family and friends in an expression of shared gratitude for our many blessings.

As you sit down with you and yours, please remember that we at Success Series are truly grateful for the wonderful support that we receive from all of you. Continue reading

Talk with Tom: Episode #63 | TwT Motivational Minute: Seek a Mentor or Coach to Accelerate Your Results


Do you want to know how to cut twenty years off the learning curve in your business or personal life? It is to learn from people who are already where you want to be, or people who have done what you want to do.  Having a mentor or coach is one of the many ways to accomplish this. You’ve read Tom’s blog post on the subject, now hear it on today’s episode of the Talk with Tom Motivational Minute. Learn why seeking out a mentor or coach will accelerate our results.

Every month Tom shares topic after topic to Grow Your Life and Build Your Business. If you’re not already a subscriber, join us. Talk with Tom is 100% free, and there are special benefits available only to our subscribers, so be sure you subscribe yourself on iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts, and we look forward to seeing you right back here on the last Wednesday of every month with Talk with Tom.

4 Self-Care Sunday Activities for the 24/7 Goddess


4 Self-Care Sunday Activities for the 24/7 Goddess


#GrowYourLife  #BuildYourBusiness

Life Area: Personal  
Topic: Success Habits

4 Self-Care Sunday Activities for the 24/7 Goddess


I recently surveyed the participants in my Goddesses 101 seminar (formerly EmpoweredWoman 101) and discovered that 84% of the respondents felt self-care was a necessity rather than an indulgence, yet the average time they spent on self-care was only an hour a week. Fifty-seven percent of the respondents even said they felt guilty after making more time for self-care. So, if you’re feeling extra cozy as the autumn months roll in and want to set a little bit of time aside for yourself, here’s the four best things to do on a self-care Sunday:


1. Pamper Yourself

When I think of self-care for you goddesses out there, the first thing I think of is a bubble bath. A bubble bath complete with candles and essential oils. Wash your hair … shave your legs … just sink into the bath and relax. It sounds cliché, but taking time out to put on a face mask, exfoliate, moisturize, and do whatever beauty tasks you’ve been putting off can make you feel like a completely rejuvenated woman. Slipping into a pair of new PJs after pampering yourself will make you feel even more loved and appreciated. You deserve to take some time to look after yourself.

When you spend all of your time working, keeping on top of commitments, and trying to maintain a social life sometimes it’s good to kick back and do something for yourself.

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Talk with Tom Episode #62: 5 Reasons to Practice Mindfulness


Tom Hart Success Series 5 Reasons to Practice Mindfulness

In this episode of Talk with Tom, Tom gives us 5 reasons to practice mindfulness, how mindfulness improves decision- making, and why Richard Branson recommends entrepreneurs practice mindfulness.

Every month, in just 30 minutes, Tom shares topic after topic to Grow Your Life and Build Your Business. If you’re not already a subscriber, join us. Talk with Tom is 100% free, and there are special benefits available only to our subscribers, so be sure you subscribe yourself on iTunes or GooglePlay, and we look forward to seeing you right back here on the last Wednesday of every month with Talk with Tom.

My Birthday Wish


#GrowYourLife  #BuildYourBusiness

Life Area: Personal  
Topic: My Birthday Wish

My Birthday Wish

Well, today is my birthday. I have been so blessed by all the many people and experiences I have met and lived thus far. What drives me is to impact and inspire people’s lives. My purpose, my why with this Success Series platform, is to help you and your organization to Grow Your Life and Build Your Business by getting clear and focused on what you want, why you want it, and how to create it, in order to live your highest vision.

“My Purpose is to inspire people and organizations to live their highest vision.”


Transform Your Life

That is why I strive to provide the best success tips and positive messages inside these blog posts. My hope is that there is at minimum one thing I say that is your golden nugget that inspires you to believe in your greater potential and live your highest vision. I am always looking to transform at least one person’s life from my many hundreds of followers to never be the same again in a positive way from something I’ve said, written or from a resource I have provided.


YOU Matter Most

So today, my birthday, my wish is that you realize that what matters to me the most is YOU, your results, and the difference I make in your life and your business.  My success metric is my subscriber number. The growing number of people I can positively impact. So the best birthday gift you can give me is to share this blog post with your family and friends so that I too might help them grow their life and build their business.


Thank you for celebrating my birthday with me today, for every day you read this blog, and thank you for being the achiever you are and adding meaning and inspiration to my life.


Year End Assessment ToolMy gift to you on my birthday is this FREE download of my Year End Assessment Tool. It’s approaching year-end and nearly time to look back at all you’ve accomplished. This is my Thank You to the difference you’ve made in my life while serving you. I have been very blessed by the many people and experiences I have lived.

Download your FREE Year End Assessment Tool [here].


Please share this post with your family and friends. 

My mission is to inspire people and organizations to live their highest vision.

I am a Success Strategist and Master Coach. I provide transformational coaching and training for individuals and organizations to help you Grow Your Life and Build Your Business by getting clear and focused on what you want, why you want it, and how to create it. Learn more about me at

There is no better endorsement than that of a friend, so if you like what you’re reading or are using my many FREE resources, tell a friend to join the Tom Hart Success Series Community, to receive email notifications of new blog posts and Talk with Tom podcast episodes, learn of upcoming events, and other news, by visiting my website  and clicking on the offer to receive my FREE monthly resource by leaving their email address OR forward this to them and have them simply click here (we respect your privacy and do not tolerate spam and will never sell, rent, lease or give away your information to any third party).

6 Steps to Manifesting What You Want



#GrowYourLife  #BuildYourBusiness

Life Area: Personal  
Topic: Law of Attraction

6 Steps to Manifesting What You Want


Many of you have asked me to elaborate here on the universal Law of Attraction. Though known for centuries and widely known in the U.S. at the turn of the century by the publication of Napoleon Hill’s book Think and Grow Rich, the Law of Attraction flooded the mainstream by the highly popular mid-2000s movie The Secret. After decades of evolving the description and stating its principles in layman’s terms, the Law of Attraction is now acknowledged as a conventional goal achieving tool one can summon through Affirmations and Intentional Thought. Naturally, the concept of manifestation comes up a lot with my coaching clients and with participants of my workshops, in particular, my Create The Life You Want seminar. In spite of its now wide-spread popularity, this magical process is still often misunderstood.


What is manifestation?

As spiritual beings with free will, we are here to co-create our future with God, the Universe, Higher Power (label it what you will). When we try to manifest something, we are attempting to align with the energy of that thing in order to bring it into our lives.


When the idea of manifestation became popular in the mid-2000s with the movie The Secret, many people mistakenly believed that all they had to do was want something, create a vision board, and then what they desired would magically appear. But the process of manifestation is much more nuanced and involved than that! I often find myself reminding many that the last six letters of Law of Attraction is ACTION!


Here, I share with you six steps to help guide you on your manifestation journey:


6 Steps to Manifesting What You Want

Step 1. Daydream but write it down


We often put limits on what we think we are capable of. Anything and everything manmade that has ever existed, began as a thought. Our mind is a great manifestation tool. An open mind, one with a growth mindset, is an even better manifestation tool. You’ve heard it said again and again: What one can believe to be achieved will be received.  Manifestation can help us discover that there are more possibilities for us than we ever imagined.


It can be very powerful for us to keep a journal and write down what we’re hoping to manifest, especially if it’s something big like a new home, job, or romantic partner. Keeping a journal will hold you accountable during the process. Manifestations can be marathons, or sprint; I would give yourself at least eight weeks of concentrated effort and journaling to see some kind of return on your manifestation investment. After eight weeks, you will have a better idea of how to get there.


Be careful being too unrealistic. And, don’t be too specific, wherein you might block out a greater good that God/the Universe is bringing your way.

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So, You Want To Be An Entrepreneur?



#GrowYourLife #BuildYourBusiness

Life Area: Professional

Topic: Entrepreneurship


So, You Want To Be An Entrepreneur?


So, you want to start the next chapter of your life as an entrepreneur? As many of you know, I formed my first company at age 19 and have since founded, bought and sold 16 companies and ventures. About half of my coaching practice consists of Business Coaching to small business owners, mid-cap companies and mom-preneurs just like you.


Entrepreneurship is highly attractive for many reasons. If it’s time you did something different this could be the best life move you ever make.


Want to join the club? These are the first steps you’ll want to make:


1) Learn What it Means and Decide if You are Still Willing to Pursue it

Entrepreneurship has become very trendy. That doesn’t mean it is just a trend, but there is a lot more to succeeding with a hot startup than writing a few lines of code.


First understand the differences between becoming your own boss as a freelancer, opening a small business, and launching a true fast growing startup that becomes valued at billions of dollars.


Learn what a startup entrepreneur really does. They don’t really get to continue on with their favorite hobby every day and make billions doing it. You may start doing something you love, but then have to very quickly learn to become a leader in your business. Become a business owner, evangelist, professional fundraiser, negotiator and big deal maker.


Even with 100 plus employees working for you, you’ll need to master many new roles. You may or may not still be your own boss at this company in a few years. Either way, you will be very busy. This isn’t really a four hour work week squeezed around your full-time gig of hiking the world and lounging at fabulous resorts.


With all that said, out of all the successful entrepreneurs I know, none of them want to go back to a regular job. The big question is do you have what it takes?


You can learn just about any of the leadership skills you’ll need. What you’ve got to bring to the table is relentless grit, the determination to never quit, and the ability to keep going no matter how hard, stressful or desperate things become along the way.


If you’re still interested in becoming an entrepreneur, here’s what you do next.


2) Pick a Business Idea

If you’re entrepreneurial you probably have ideas all the time. Which idea will you get started on?


If you are juggling a few business ideas, write them on a whiteboard and let them marinate for a week. Which idea can you live without doing? Which were you born to do?


Most highly successful entrepreneurs are just quitting jobs they hate to try and become their own boss, have an easy work week, get rich quick and live in semi-retirement for the rest of their lives. That is not realistic. Quite the opposite actually happens.


The most successful startups seem to share the trait that the founder found a problem they really wanted to solve, in a very big industry, and found several other great team members who were passionate about it too. They looked forward to building something from scratch even though they were typically in good-paying jobs they already loved or were in a good college.


Before you go all in, make sure you research your idea. Check out all the competition. Check for commercial viability and why no one else has done it or succeeded yet. Determine if it is a real urgent need that lots of others have, and are willing to pay money for.


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What’s Stopping You?!



#GrowYourLife #BuildYourBusiness

Life Area: Personal

Topic: Emotional Intelligence


What’s Stopping You?!

Jack Canfield once said, “Everything you want is on the other side of fear.” And he’s right. But I’m going to take it one step further.


Pain, discomfort, shock, boredom, impostor syndrome, awkwardness, fear, being wrong, failing, ignorance, looking stupid: your avoidance of these feelings is what is stopping us from a life beyond our wildest imagination.


These are the feelings that accompany a life of success. And yet, these are the very feelings we relentlessly avoid!


Interesting how that works, right?

Wealth, optimal health, incredible relationships, deep spiritual maturity are all available to us. And, the primary obstacle in our way is how we feel about what we need to do to have these things.


Most people aren’t willing to feel difficult emotions on a regular basis. However, if you’re willing to disregard how you feel in the moment, you’ll have access to a world of opportunity unavailable to 99% of the population.


When we feel the fear and do it anyway, we get the satisfaction of living life on our terms. Instead of being a hostage to our emotions, we get to experience them more deeply.

Ironically, once we break past the emotional blocks and just act, it’s never as bad as we think it will be.


Make the decision and act

Napoleon Hill said, “When your desires are strong enough, you will appear to possess superhuman powers to achieve.” Similarly, Tim Grover has said, “When you crave the end result, the hard work becomes irrelevant.”


Put most simply: when your “why” is strong enough, you’ll be willing to do any “how”. The clearer and bigger the why, the bolder the how. Hence, if you 10x your why, you’ll have insights about how to do things far more effectively than the norm. As Supercoach Dan Sullivan has said, “When 10X is your measuring stick, you immediately see how you can bypass what everyone else is doing.”


If your dreams are big enough, you’ll have to do different things than you’ve been doing. Not all “hows” are created equal. You’ll have to do things you don’t feel in the moment like doing. You’ll resist the actions you need to take.

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Talk with Tom: Episode #60 | The Ultimate 7 Habits Guide


ultimate 7 habits

On today’s episode of Talk with Tom, Tom will be giving us the ultimate 7 habits guide including:

  • 7 great habits of the most successful people;
  • 7 simple habits to keep you consistently happy every day;
  • 7 money habits of the wealthy we can all adopt;
  • 7 habits of people who build extraordinary relationships;
  • And more!

Every month Tom shares topic after topic to Grow Your Life and Build Your Business. If you’re not already a subscriber, join us. Talk with Tom is 100% free, and there are special benefits available only to our subscribers, so be sure you subscribe yourself on iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts, and we look forward to seeing you right back here on the last Wednesday of every month with Talk with Tom.

Your Healthy Day via Ancient Chinese Medicine



#GrowYourLife #BuildYourBusiness

Life Area: Physical and Personal

Topic: Healthy Living


Your Healthy Day via Ancient Chinese Medicine


Most of us think of our Circadian Rhythm (body clock), as the internal system that regulates when we fall asleep and wake up. But there’s so much more to our inner timekeeper, especially when considered through the ancient wisdom of Chinese medicine.


According to the 2,500-year-old practice, just about every function of our body is linked to a specific time on our internal clock. Each organ has a time period each day when it’s in the spotlight. This the time when that particular organ, and its related energy meridians, are said to be most energized and working hardest, affecting everything from our emotions to our productivity.


Here is a tour of the Morning, Noon and Night body clock according to this ancient practice – tips on how to optimize it through food and lifestyle choices. Think of it as a roadmap that’s meant to guide you toward working with your body’s natural rhythms, rather than against them.




Drink some water and do a gentle workout
Organ: Large intestine
Actions: Waking up and releasing
Emotions being processed: Guilt and stagnation


It’s best to start the day with water, as hydration allows the large intestine to begin its process of elimination. Sorry, but hot coffee doesn’t count…caffeine in the morning is what leads to the midday crash and the release of too much cortisol throughout the day. You should also give yourself time upon waking to relax and allow for your body to naturally detox.


Eat a nutritious breakfast
Organ: Stomach
Actions: Eating and nourishing
Emotions being processed: Despair


According to Chinese medicine, breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. A nutritious breakfast will assist in building good, long-lasting energy for the day.

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An Investment Gaining Popularity With My Millennial Followers


#GrowYourLife #BuildYourBusiness

Life Area: Financial

Topic: Millennial Investments


An Investment Gaining Popularity With My Millennial Followers


As I was researching for an upcoming blog post on the topic of Personal Finance, I came across some research I wanted to immediately pass-on to my Millennial followers: Like most investors, Millennials want convenient, simple ways to invest that will help them achieve their financial goals. Based on what these young professionals are doing with their company-sponsored and individual retirement plans, Millennials seem to be gravitating toward what many see as the perfect all-in-one investment vehicle to save for retirement: target-date funds.


Nearly two-thirds of professionals in their 20s who participate in 401(k) plans at work use target-date funds in their investment strategies, according to the latest available research from the Employee Benefit Research Institute. That compares to less than half for those in their 60s. With many employers offering target-date funds within their menu of investing options, the availability and simplicity of these funds makes them an obvious choice, and recent hires are gravitating toward them now more than ever.


What is a target-date fund?

One of the appeals of target-date funds is that they are easy to understand. The idea is that each fund targets individuals who intend to retire or otherwise get access to their money at a certain date in the future. In order to accommodate this time horizon, the investments that each target-date fund start out having an aggressive growth objective when the target date is far in the future. Over time, the fund then shifts to a more conservative approach, balancing growth and income needs gradually over time. By the time the target date is imminent, target-date funds have a greater emphasis on capital preservation than on future growth.


Let me mention, however, that these funds tend to be pretty broad and don’t make it possible for you to invest in certain stocks individually, especially your hand-picked social impact stocks.

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Outwit Fear To Create Abundance



#GrowYourLife #BuildYourBusiness

Life Area: Personal

Topic: Abundance Thinking


Outwit Fear To Create Abundance


Hopefully by now you’ve read the classic Napolean Hill book, Think and Grow Rich. The final chapter of the book is entitled, “How to Outwit the Six Ghosts of Fear.” In this chapter, Hill names these six ghosts as:

. Fear of Poverty

. Criticism

. Ill Health

. Loss of Love

. Old Age, and

. Death


And, as if that were not enough, he reveals a seventh condition, which he says is “more deeply seated and more often fatal than all of the six fears.” This he calls “susceptibility to negative influences.”



Susceptibility to negative influences is more fatal than the six ghosts of fear.

Napolean Hill in Think and Grow Rich



The point of identifying these troublesome ideas is clear: when we seek to apply the Law of Circulation by declaring our good through prayer, meditation and affirmation, resistance arises from within us in the form of these hidden fears and susceptibilities.


This is what prevents us from moving forward and achieving our deepest desires. To get rid of it, we must be willing to acknowledge them, release them completely and consciously reject the possibility of them re-entering our daily thoughts.


Hill writes that if we neglect this inner work, we will forfeit our right to attain the object of our desires. An honest inventory includes “identifying patterns of complaining, fault-finding, sarcasm, indigestion, hopelessness, self-pity, lack of self-confidence and worry.” These are only examples of the kinds of activities that prevent us from achieving our most desired outcomes.


Join me in applying a proven method from reversing such limitations: Begin by declaring that you no longer indulge in the debilitation behaviors that you previously used for some limiting purpose. Reject our past behavior, saying “That was then, this is NOW.” Then, fill your mind with the object of your greatest desire, and declare this to be the truth of your life right now.


For my FREE downloadable resource on Creating Effective Affirmations, click [here]. And, for my FREE 7-Day Mindfulness Meditation Audio Series, which includes seven 10-minute meditations (personally guided by me), simply click the meditation tab above or click [here].

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4 Ways To Claim Your Independence


#GrowYourLife #BuildYourBusiness

Life Area: Personal

Topic: Independence Day


4 Ways To Claim Your Independence


I hope you’re having an energizing holiday spent with the people who matter most to you. The 4th of July is a day where we come together to celebrate our country and what it means to be American.


For me, the message of prosperity and freedom rings the most true. We live in a time where opportunity is plentiful and it’s more possible than ever to achieve your dreams. We have the liberty to choose our thoughts and dreams, as well as the freedom to pursue them.


What are you doing to create freedom and independence in your life?


In the spirit of 4th of July and the land of opportunity, here are 4 ways to claim your independence:


  1. Step Out of Your Comfort Zone. You’ve heard it said, “Everything you want is just outside your comfort zone.” Check out what I learned when I stepped out of my comfort zone in this blog post entitled Three Life Lessons You Can Learn From Skydiving.







  1. Join a Mastermind Group. Surrounding yourself with like-minded people will help you harness and maximize your success and guide you to prosperity. Listen to [this episode] of my Talk with Tom podcast on how to form a mastermind, and [this episode] to learn the benefits of being a part of one. Keep tabs on my website for an upcoming invitation to join a newly-forming mastermind group…including one specific to millennials.












  1. Change Your Life While On Vacation. Join me for an unforgettable day of growth, clarity and epiphanies at my annual Create The LIFE You Want private retreat to be held later this year at an exotic location (past retreats have been held in Sedona, Arizona; Santorini, Greece and a Caribbean cruise). Let me know your interest by clicking [here].









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The Three S’s To Create Any Breakthrough


The Three S's To Create Any Breakthrough

#GrowYourLife #BuildYourBusiness

Life Area: Personal

Topic: Creating Breakthroughs


The Three S’s To Create Any Breakthrough


A question I’m often asked by first time coaching clients when I first meet with them is: how will you create breakthroughs for me through your coaching, and how will I make them last? A breakthrough occurs at that Ah-ha moment when we see the light. The light bulb goes on and what was once viewed as impossible, we see the way clear to its achievement. There are three areas to break through in order to feel lasting success in any of the Seven Life Areas:

. Physical

. Financial

. Professional

. Relational

. Spiritual

. Personal, and

. Philanthropical


I will outline below the three areas to breakthrough in order to get lasting change. They are our:


. Strategies

. Story, and

. State



One breakthrough area is our STRATEGIES. I personally live for finding strategies—those shortcuts that help people get more done in less time. What is it that gets some people to succeed while others fail who seem to have equal enthusiasm or passion for the tasks at hand? They have insights, distinctions, and strategies that allow them to achieve more quickly.


For example, take someone who was born very poor, without an education, and had emotional and financial challenges but found a way to be highly successful and living an inspired life. I don’t believe that’s lucky—luck is what you do for a day or a week—strategies are what make it consistently happen for decades. A strategy can be found in the simplest or slightest distinction and it can happen in an instant.


As I described above, there are three elements that effect the long-term success or failure of a person and whether they break through or not. For example, there are hundreds or even thousands of strategies out there for losing weight, and frankly most of them are proven to work—if you work them! We’re not hurting for strategies. There are fitness clubs on every street, dieticians, health coaches, training videos, audios, books, etc. Yet 65% of the United States is overweight and 33% is obese, and those numbers are only growing geometrically. I would suggest to you that the problem for most people is not that they don’t have a strategy—it’s that they’re not using a strategy that works for them or acting upon it. Why? Because they have a disempowering STORY.


 In order to get out of a story you have to be triggered by hunger and desire




We all have stories—narratives we tell ourselves about why we can or cannot do or achieve something in our lives. To remind you of the infamous quote of Henry Ford’s that I’ve mentioned time and again: “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right!” We’re right because our expectation controls our focus, perceptions, and the way in which we feel and act. When a person succeeds it’s because they have the right strategy, and they found it usually because they have a story that it was possible or they could make it happen. Often people are not losing weight because they have a simple story that says, “I can never keep it off.” With that as your core belief system you are never going to find a strategy, and even if you do you won’t follow through on it.


Your story may be true—you may have been through a horrific experience–but that’s not the reason why you can’t have the life you want. For example, you might have had a bad breakup five years ago, but that’s not the reason you haven’t found the passionate and loving relationship you deserve. A disempowering story is one of the things that controls people and makes them stuck in their beliefs.


Most people tell a story in a selective way so they don’t have to ever maximize their effort towards a strategy because they’re afraid they will fail. In order to get out of a story you have to be triggered by hunger and desire—if someone wants something strong enough they will break through the story that’s limiting them. We usually have to reach a point where we will not settle for anything else in that Life Area.



Of course, whether you have an empowering story or disempowering story is influenced most powerfully by the mental and emotional STATE you’re in at this moment in time. It’s human nature to develop emotional patterns—moods—that are mental or emotional states that tend to filter how we look at our life.


Those emotional states influence the stories that we make up about who we are, what we’re capable of, or what’s achievable or not. The states we go into most often then become the most powerful filter of all that will determine whether we find the strategies necessary to succeed and whether we come up with a story that will empower us. The big question then becomes, what is it that we can do to change our state of mind when we’re not able to maximize our true potential? One of mankind’s greatest scientific discoveries has been that we can change our emotional mood by a radical change in your “physiology.”

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Today Is National Meditation Day


#GrowYourLife #BuildYourBusiness

Life Area: Personal

Topic: Meditation


Today Is National Meditation Day


I had no idea that today was National Meditation Day until I just received an email from my friend Deepak Chopra. Finding that out prompted me to write this blog post reminding you to listen to and/or download my FREE 7-Day Mindfulness Meditation Audio Series which you will find by just clicking on the “Meditation” tab in the navigation bar or simply clicking [here]:


One of the most valuable things I’ve ever done for myself and my career was to start meditating every day.


The mental, emotional, health, AND SUCCESS benefits of daily meditation are truly amazing.


Unfortunately, traditional meditation can take a long time to master (and even longer to start enjoying the benefits).


But now you can start to reap all the incredible benefits of meditation from the very first day, in only 10 minutes with my FREE 7-Day Guided Mindfulness Meditation Audio Series recorded personally by me.


Learning how to meditate can help you achieve success faster, because when your mind is clear and focused, and your body is relaxed and calm, you can access information, both internal and external, that can help you make better decisions.


When you visit, you will gain access to seven 10-minute meditation sessions of a simple to learn and easy to follow format of mindfulness meditation personally guided by me. You can access them anytime, from anywhere, from any device, right from that page OR you may download them and listen to each of the seven sessions any time you want.


Do yourself a favor. Sit down where you won’t be disturbed and visit my landing page for this valuable FREE resource. There you will also find out:


  • What Mindfulness is,
  • How mindfulness improves our decision-making, and
  • How to meditate.


You can also read my compilation of research on the types of meditation, the many entrepreneurs and celebrities that practice meditation, and its many benefits.


Learning how to meditate can help you achieve success faster, because when your mind is clear and focused, and your body is relaxed and calm, you can access information, both internal and external, that can help you make better decisions.


Link to its landing page here and listen to or download my valuable FREE 7-Day Guided Mindfulness Meditation Audio Series now!


You can access all the sessions anytime, from anywhere, from any device, right from that page OR you may download them and listen to each of the seven sessions any time you want.


I promise it’ll be worth your time.

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Tom and the Success Series Team Remember and Honor


#GrowYourLife #BuildYourBusiness

Life Area: Personal

Topic: Memorial Day


Tom and the Success Series Team Remember and Honor


Each year on Memorial Day, Americans take a pause from their busy schedules to remember those who gave their lives to protect the freedoms people enjoy daily.


Occurring on the last Monday in May, Memorial Day is celebrated today, May 27, 2019. While most people are aware the holiday honors America’s military, at times, the significance of Memorial Day and Veteran’s Day are combined into one.


Veteran’s Day is commemorated in November and honors all those who have served their country, including those who have passed away. However, it’s primarily focused on thanking those who have served who are still alive.


Memorial Day, on the other hand, is designed to honor those service members who passed away, especially those who gave their lives in the line of duty.



Memorial Day honors more than one million men and women who have died in military service since the Civil War


In 1868, then-Commander in Chief John A. Logan of the Grand Army of the Republic proclaimed May 30 to be Decoration Day, becoming Memorial Day in 1968. At first, people honored only Union and Confederate soldiers. However, it was expanded after World War I to include all service members who perished in all wars. As of 2018, the United States Census Bureau reported Memorial Day honors more than one million men and women who have died in military service since the Civil War.


The Civil War was the deadliest of all America’s confrontations with over 500,000 people dying. Since the Civil War, America has participated in seven other wars, with casualties identified as:

  • Spanish-American War: 2,446
  • World War I: 116,516
  • World War II: 405,339
  • Korean War: 54,246
  • Vietnam War: 90,220
  • Desert Shield/Desert Storm: 1,948
  • Afghanistan and Iraq: 6,951


Join Tom and the Success Series Team in honoring our fallen heroes.


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Talk with Tom: Episode #59 | TwT Motivational Minute: Accepting and Using All Feedback For Success


Make a commitment today to listen, and ask for, all types of feedback – both negative and positive. Accepting all feedback in your life will support you reaching your goals and your overall success in your life.

Every month Tom shares topic after topic to Grow Your Life and Build Your Business. If you’re not already a subscriber, join us. Talk with Tom is 100% free, and there are special benefits available only to our subscribers, so be sure you subscribe yourself on iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts, and we look forward to seeing you right back here on the last Wednesday of every month with Talk with Tom.

Six Key Questions To Ask When Writing Your Business Plan


#GrowYourLife #BuildYourBusiness

Life Area: Professional

Topic: Business Plan


Six Key Questions To Ask When Writing Your Business Plan


As many of you know, I started my first business when I was just 19 years old and have bought and sold 16 ventures since. I’ve written here before about the elements of a business plan, creating a pitch deck and have offered up FREE downloadable email templates to help you raise seed capital. Today, I want to talk to you about the many invaluable things you’ll learn writing your business plan and the merits, beyond raising capital, of going through the effort of taking your many thoughts out of your head and committing them in writing. By first writing a strategic plan, you can evaluate on paper without the risk of finding out the hard way by trial and error. At the very least, these are questions that any potential investor IS going to be asking of you and you better be prepared to answer:


1. Why you? Why your business or your product/service? What differentiates you from your competition?


I am, or any potential investor is, going to assume that your product or service fulfills a want, need or desire of the buying public. If it doesn’t, rethink your plans. Sometimes the market doesn’t know it needs your product – and that’s fine. Henry Ford famously said, “If I had asked them what they wanted, they’d have told me faster horses.”


The first step is to identify the need your product or service will fulfill. Then determine whether or not this need is currently being met and if so, how and by whom? The first question I always ask my business coaching clients is, “Why should a prospective customer buy your product or service rather than a competitor’s?” If they can’t answer this question clearly, concisely and definitively, I tell them that that is the first thing that we will accomplish in their business coaching.


The first step is to identify the need your product or service will fulfill. 



2. Is there a large enough segment of that buying public that will value that difference?


Identify the segment of the market that values whatever it is that differentiates your product or service. Estimate the size of the market segment. Now, reduce the size of this segment by the percentage of people who won’t be willing to pay what you will have to charge to make your business profitable and answer if you can still reasonably project enough volume to make your business economically viable?


3. Now, question whether that difference, the very things that set it apart, are indefensible?


If your idea is a good one, you had better know how you will keep a large competitor with deep pockets from knocking it off and running you out of the market. There are many examples of well-healed copycats overtaking people with good ideas. You need a plan to protect yourself from this. Perhaps you can protect your intellectual property through a patent. Perhaps your idea, for one reason or another, is difficult to copy. What barriers to entry are there to keep the competition from moving in?


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