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Life Area: Physical and Personal
Topic: Healthy Living
Your Healthy Day via Ancient Chinese Medicine
Most of us think of our Circadian Rhythm (body clock), as the internal system that regulates when we fall asleep and wake up. But there’s so much more to our inner timekeeper, especially when considered through the ancient wisdom of Chinese medicine.
According to the 2,500-year-old practice, just about every function of our body is linked to a specific time on our internal clock. Each organ has a time period each day when it’s in the spotlight. This the time when that particular organ, and its related energy meridians, are said to be most energized and working hardest, affecting everything from our emotions to our productivity.
Here is a tour of the Morning, Noon and Night body clock according to this ancient practice – tips on how to optimize it through food and lifestyle choices. Think of it as a roadmap that’s meant to guide you toward working with your body’s natural rhythms, rather than against them.
Drink some water and do a gentle workout
Organ: Large intestine
Actions: Waking up and releasing
Emotions being processed: Guilt and stagnation
It’s best to start the day with water, as hydration allows the large intestine to begin its process of elimination. Sorry, but hot coffee doesn’t count…caffeine in the morning is what leads to the midday crash and the release of too much cortisol throughout the day. You should also give yourself time upon waking to relax and allow for your body to naturally detox.
Eat a nutritious breakfast
Organ: Stomach
Actions: Eating and nourishing
Emotions being processed: Despair
According to Chinese medicine, breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. A nutritious breakfast will assist in building good, long-lasting energy for the day.
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