#GrowYourLife #BuildYourBusiness
Life Area: Personal
Topic: Goal Achievement
It’s that time of year again! Goal setting time! I always spend the week between Christmas and New Year’s Day bringing out the draft of my next years goals that I wrote around my birthday (October) and finalize them by using my Personal Strategic Plan (PSP) template (which you can download for FREE from my Resources page on my website: www.SuccessSeriesLLC.com). I set three goals in each of the 7 Life Areas (physical, financial, professional, relational, spiritual, personal and philanthropical) and then translate their deadlines to my Master Calendar and Success Planner. You can download the Master Calendar template and 2019 Success Planner eBook for FREE from my website Resources page as well.
I’ve been setting and achieving goals my entire teen and adult life and have been professionally coaching and training on goal setting for the last 19 years (FUN FACT: I once had a personalize license plate on my car which read “GGGOALS”). I have learned a lot of goal setting hacks along the way and wanted to share 4 of my best ones here for you now.
If you need a little motivation and accountability to get you going on your 2019 goals, download my FREE 7-Day Goal Setting Challenge eBook which you can find [here].
Download my FREE 7-Day Goal Setting Challenge here – A Guide to Help You Set Your Goals, Create a Plan of Action and Begin Achieving Them IN ONLY A WEEK!

What if you could radically and positively transform your life in EVERY ONE of the 7 Life Areas (personal, physical, professional, financial, relational, spiritual, and philanthropical)?
That’s right, your relationships, your health, your career, your finances, your fun and leisure, and even your level of contribution to the world? My FREE 7-Day Goal Setting Challenge will help you determine where you are, where you want to be, and what you want, to create the life you want, IN ONLY A WEEK! Download it for FREE here:

1. Keep Your Goals In One Place
Whether you write them in a notebook, use Evernote, or use my FREE PSP, you will want to keep your goals list close at hand and review it regularly. Do a monthly, or at least quarterly, review to assess your progress. Compare where you are to the metrics you selected to measure to determine what needs to still be done to reach the outcome you desire. You should be able to see at a glance what your goal is, the metrics indicating your progress and the next action for pushing things forward.
2. Simplify Your Goals
Write a book. Run a marathon. Launch a new product. You might want to achieve a lot of goals this year, but setting too many at once is a surefire way to dilute your focus. Warren Buffett once told his pilot, Mike Flint, to pick 25 goals he wanted to achieve and then to focus on achieving five of them. He said, “No matter what, the others get no attention from you until you’ve succeeded with your top 5.” I say: Three for each of the 7 Life Areas is 21 goals total. Now single out the top one from each category and you’ve got your immediate seven focus goals.
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