4 Goal Setting Tips for 2021



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Life Area: Personal   |  Topic: Goal Setting


4 Goal Setting Tips for 2021



2020 was a year of unknown, extreme challenges and taking inventory of what’s most important to us. Our lives may have been put on hold in a lot of ways and we watched our goals change, but we still had your eyes on the prize. Now, another year is on the horizon. And as you start to think about your New Year’s resolutions for 2021, your goals will come back into focus. Use these goal setting tips to help you reach new heights in the coming year.

2021, your goals will come back into focus. Use these goal setting tips to help you reach new heights in the coming year.


First, Evaluate Your Progress.

Before you look forward, you need to look back and ask yourself, “’What have I accomplished this year?’ ‘What goals did I actually achieve that seemed so far out of reach just a year ago?’ ‘What were the biggest and smallest milestones that I celebrated this year?’” Every step you took brought you that much closer to your goals. Having measurable ways to track how much progress you have made allows you to see just how much every task adds up in the long run. Acknowledging your progress gives you a chance to reflect on areas where you’ve improved. This look-back boosts your confidence, offers clarity and uses positive reinforcement – which ultimately leads to productivity. In order to perform better and reach your goals you have to evaluate the ones you’ve already accomplished.



The Next Step is to Recognize Your Setbacks.

With any long-term visions, you are bound to have setbacks, and 2020 may have been full of them. The setbacks you experienced in the past year might have felt out of your control, but it’s still important to recognize them and acknowledge how they affect your long-term success. Ask yourself these questions: “What were my biggest challenges this year?”, “What goal setting tips did I use to face these challenges?”, “How can having SMART goals for 2021 helped me to overcome these setbacks?”. Sometimes what seems like a setback might just be a chance to get creative and explore different routes to your goals. When it comes to setting goals, creativity is key.


Once you’ve analyzed what set you back last year, adapt to your current reality. If we have learned anything in 2020, it’s how to adapt to the present. When determining your goals for 2021, look at your current reality. Your Goals must fit with your long-term aspirations while being realistic about how they fit into your present life. You want to make sure your goals are attainable within a reasonable timeframe. How will your goals for the next year reflect where you are now?


Year End AssessmentTo assist you in evaluating your progress and giving a look-back to all you faced and accomplished in 2020, download my FREE Year End Assessment eBook found on my Resource Page or simply click [here].


Next, Make Sure Your Goals are SMART.

It’s important to have a system in place that shows you how to strategically set goals. Having SMART goals will help you zero in on what’s important to you and increase your chances of success. SMART goals can be used to improve both your personal and professional life. So, what makes them SMART goals:


S    They are specific, not ambiguous. The more concise the better.

They are measurable or able to be evaluated.

A   They are challenging but achievable.

R   They are relevant and aligned with your long-term plan.

T    They are time bound to a certain deadline.


Learning about SMART goals and the principles of goal setting theory will help you get clear and sure about what you want to achieve in 2021. And, finally…


Make Sure You Write Down Your Goals.

You probably have some ideas floating around in your head right now, but writing them down is the first step in putting them into action. Write down a specific goal and check that it matches each criterion within the smart acronym. Having a clear organization system, will help you analyze your goals, track your progress and help you stay motivated.


For a FREE downloadable goal setting template, simply click on the resource tab above and scroll down to my 7-Day Goal Setting Challenge eBook, also found [here].


Now the question today is: What are your goals for 2021? And, how can I help you achieve them? Contact me at SuccessSeriesLLC.com/contact-success-series.php or simply click [here].



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I am a Success Strategist and Master Coach. I provide transformational coaching and training for individuals and organizations to help you Grow Your Life and Build Your Business by getting clear and focused on what you want, why you want it, and how to create it. Learn more about me at SuccessSeriesLLC.com.

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