#GrowYourLife #BuildYourBusiness
Life Area: Physical and Personal
Topic: Energy Management
Why You Need to Manage Your Energy Not Your Time
Every day we feel the pull from every direction. Your home life demands your time. Your work life demands your time. And when do you get that so needed “me” time? Managing time can feel like the right solution. But if you’re mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually exhausted, more time won’t help.
So how can we become more productive without risking both our mental and physical health? We manage our energy of mind, emotions, body and spirit: our mind energy, our emotional energy, our physical energy, and our spiritual energy. CEO of the organizational performance consultancy group The Energy Project, Tony Schwartz, author of The Way We’re Working Isn’t Working and co-author of the book The Power of Full Engagement, puts it this way in his Harvard Business Review article entitled “Manage Your Energy, Not Your Time”: focus on how you cultivate more energy, instead of obsessing over your time.
Mental Energy – Our Mind
Reduce interruptions during your day by only checking emails at designated times. Here’s the key. Make sure your team knows those times. If everyone knows that they won’t hear from you until 1pm, you’ve created a buffer for deep work. The more long stretches of deep work, the more you’ll be able to get into flow, and create higher quality work. I’m sure you have read the book Deep Work by Cal Newport, and if not, order it here from Amazon and you will find it a valuable read.
Emotional Energy – Our Emotions
Meditate. Start with an awareness of your breath. When you breathe in make sure your belly expands. Not the other way around.
If you have trouble clearing your mind, make sure you at least have a mantra, an affirmation. When I began meditating I would simply say “One” on the inhale and “Two” on the exhale.
One of the most valuable things I’ve ever done for myself and my career was to start meditating every day. The mental, emotional, health, AND SUCCESS benefits of daily meditation are truly amazing. Traditional meditation can take a long time to master (and even longer to start enjoying the benefits). But now you can start to reap all the incredible benefits of meditation from the very first day, in only 10 minutes!
Check out my FREE 7-Day Guided Mindfulness Meditation Audio Series where I will personally guide you through seven 10 minute meditations. You can access them anytime, from anywhere, from any device, right from that page OR you may download them and listen to each of the seven sessions any time you want.
One of the most valuable things I’ve ever done for myself and my career was to start meditating every day.
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